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the buyer was would have to fit the terms and conditions of the contract. It would still be subject <br /> to the Hillsborough Historic District conditions, but they would be administered by NC <br /> Preservation Foundation. <br /> Commissioner McKee said that he thought that the reason the bids had been withdrawn <br /> was that the Board came back and applied some other conditions. <br /> Frank Clifton said that this was the original occasion. The Board rejected the bids and <br /> put the building back out for sale, but with the preservation easements on the properties. <br /> Commissioner McKee asked about the difference in Option 3 in the conditions as <br /> applied to the original bids before the Board applied new conditions. <br /> Frank Clifton said that the big difference is that there was a preservation easement on <br /> the property, but it goes to the Town of Hillsborough. Before, this did not exist. <br /> John Roberts said that one of the differences is going to be that there will not be an <br /> internal presenration easement, which is what caused a lot of the hesitation. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Yuhasz, seconded by Commissioner Foushee to <br /> approve the Resolution, as shown below, requesting the Town of Hillsborough accept a <br /> preservation easement for properties at 112 and 118 N. Churton Street, which would indefinitely <br /> delay the removal of the buildings by future owners; and authorize the County Attorney to work <br /> in concert with the Town Attorney to craft the easement; and authorize staff to being the bidding <br /> process for divestiture of these properties, with the established minimum bid limits of$450,000 <br /> for 112 N. Churton Street and $130,000 for 118 N. Churton Street, as soon as the town has <br /> accepted the preservation easement. <br /> VOTE: Ayes, 5; No, 1 (Commissioner Jacobs) <br /> RESOLUTION REGARDING THE LONG TERM PRESERVATION OF PROPERTIES <br /> AT 112 AND 118 NORTH CHURTON STREET, HILLSBOROUGH, NORTH <br /> CAROLINA <br /> WHEREAS, Orange County owns the properties at 112 N. Churton Street, <br /> Hillsborough, NC (PIN # 9874065497-TMBL# 4.30.B.12) and 118 North Churton Street, <br /> Hillsborough, NC (PIN # 9874066435-TMBL#4.30.B.11; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Orange County Board of Commissioners has identified no long-term <br /> use for the properties for County business and desire to offer the properties for sale <br /> pursuant to General Statutes; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Orange County Board of Commissioners desires to ensure the <br /> properties are maintained by future owners in a manner that will preserve their historic <br /> significance to the community; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Town of Hillsborough through its Historic District Commission has the <br /> autho�ity to ensure historic properties are preserved in such manner; <br />