Orange County NC Website
3. The Orange County Board of Commissioners acknowledges that is understands the <br /> Certifications to be included in said application, which are required in connection with <br /> the Community Development Block Grant. <br /> ADOPTED, this the 18th day of October, 2011. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> b. Oranqe—Alamance Boundarv Line `9%' Adiustment Action <br /> The Board addressed the Orange-Alamance boundary line 9% solution and considered <br /> a recommendation for the 9% resolution of boundary location. <br /> Planning Director Craig Benedict said that this has to do with the 9% course of the <br /> county line. He said that Alamance County approved this same item last night with a vote of 4- <br /> 1. He said that the process is trying to find the most appropriate location for the line. He went <br /> through the 5 sections that include the 9%. <br /> The first segment is the Eliza Lane area. In this area, both sides of the road will be <br /> serviced by the same emergency services and same school district. <br /> The second segment is Northwest 9�' Street. Over 41 properties were resolved to <br /> remain in Alamance in the 91%. The houses in this area would become part of Alamance <br /> County on both sides of the road. <br /> The third segment is Mebane 85/40 LLC and Tanger. This is suggested to be brought <br /> into the common property line. <br /> The fourth segment is Collington Farms and Arlington. The 9% solution will make it <br /> clear which county these homes are in. <br /> The fifth segment is the Mebane Oaks subdivision. All of these properties are presently <br /> taxed by Orange County. The resolution would allow both sides of the road to be serviced by <br /> the same county. <br /> The recommendation is to approve the resolution and incorporate it into a bill. <br /> Alamance County approved it without any deviations. <br /> Commissioner Hemminger asked some clarifying questions, which were answered by <br /> Craig Benedict. <br /> Commissioner Hemminger asked about the other areas that are not part of the 91%, <br /> such as Morrow Mountain. She thought that it was supposed to be part of a joint deal. <br /> Frank Clifton said that this is a discussion for the elected officials. The staff has <br /> resolved all that it can at this time. He said that the Mill Creek area and the Morrow Mountain <br /> area could get together and petition the County and then the County can take it to the <br /> legislature. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked if the residents from these finro neighborhoods have been <br /> told about this process. <br /> Craig Benedict said that there has been communication between the Orange County <br /> Chair and the Alamance County Chair. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that he would like to make a separate motion about this and <br /> informing the residents about this process. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs made reference to the letter from the Lambert's and asked that <br /> this letter be acknowledged. <br />