Agenda - 12-05-2011 - Information Item 3
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-05-2011
Agenda - 12-05-2011 - Information Item 3
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Last modified
2/21/2012 12:57:25 PM
Creation date
12/2/2011 4:17:26 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
Information Item 3
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Minutes 12-05-2011
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3 <br />jurisdictions in the Falls Lake watershed. This work will be performed so that the <br />consultant can inform the UNRBA members as to which model appears to <br />function best for estimating loading in the Falls Lake tributaries. The consultant <br />will also detail the available methodologies for estimating jurisdictional nutrient <br />loading. Finally, the consultant will use this information to complete, as an option <br />to UNRBA members upon their request, estimates of jurisdictional loading for the <br />baseline year of 2006. It is likely that one end result of this process will be the <br />uniform application of a single advanced model to estimate nutrient loading for <br />the tributaries of Falls Lake as well as for the jurisdictions present in the Falls <br />Lake watershed for the baseline year of 2006. It is expected that the work <br />described herein will be completed in 2012 as a result of the timetable dictated in <br />the Falls, Lake Rules. The cost of completing these tasks will be paid for by <br />UNRBA dues. The optional tasks described above will be completed upon <br />request at an additional cost to UNRBA members. <br />• Similarly, the Nutrient Scientific Advisory Board (NSAB), which is currently tasked <br />with implementing the existing development portion of the Jordan Lake Nutrient <br />Management Rules, is working to determine how best to re-model nutrient export <br />in stormwater in the Jordan Lake watershed. The NSAB expects to select a <br />consultant to complete the updated modeling of this watershed in the very near <br />future. This work is expected to be completed in 2012 and funded by DWQ. <br />Recommendation <br />It is likely that the UNRBA process as described above will produce a very useful <br />estimation of jurisdictional nutrient loading for the Upper Neuse River Basin. Similarly, <br />the NSAB re-modeling of the Jordan Lake watershed should also yield useful nutrient <br />export information for this basin. For these reasons, staff recommends utilizing these <br />on-going efforts as sources of jurisdictional loading information. <br />Please let me know if I can provide further information on this topic. <br />cc: Gwen Harvey <br />Craig Benedict <br />Rich Shaw <br />Orange County Department of Environment, Agriculture, Parks & Recreation <br />PO Box 8181, Hillsborough, NC 27278 <br />Phone: (919) 245-2510 Fax: (919) 644-3351 <br />
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