Agenda - 12-05-2011 - 9a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-05-2011
Agenda - 12-05-2011 - 9a
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Last modified
2/21/2012 12:57:12 PM
Creation date
12/2/2011 4:13:32 PM
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Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 12-05-2011
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9 <br />for the rural program to achieve the full potential and efficiencies of single stream collection roll <br />carts should be implemented where operationally feasible. <br />The rural program will not receive carts during the initial implementation of single stream because <br />some citizens with long driveways or private lanes have expressed concern about taking carts to the <br />curb. Also, our current collection vehicles do not have the ability to collect carts. These trucks are <br />made to collect bins (see picture below). The drivers fill a side hopper with material, and then the <br />hopper dumps into the body. The cycle time (time for the side hopper to rotate up and dump its <br />contents into the body of the truck and return to its lower position) is too long to dump a cart at each <br />house. A special semi-automated truck is needed with a quick cycle time, undivided single <br />compartment and compaction to experience all the full efficiencies of single stream curbside <br />collection. <br />We hope to provide carts on the rural program to some areas of the County in 2013 or 2014 as we <br />audit the routes, solicit additional resident input and identify where carts are most practical and <br />where bins are most practical. Roll carts will work well in many areas of unincorporated Orange <br />County. <br />The replacement of our current curbside recycling vehicles (which also are utilized for our multi- <br />family and commercial programs) is currently past due and maintenance issues are increasing. <br />However, we have delayed replacing them pending the implementation of single stream collection <br />and the likelihood of implementing roll carts in several portions of the rural program. It is <br />important to conduct our evaluation of where carts might work in the rural program as soon as <br />possible so that our ageing fleet can be replaced with the proper type truck, i.e. with trucks that have <br />roll-cart collection and compaction capabilities. As efficiencies are gained from the collection of <br />single stream, and later moving to roll carts in many areas, we will free-up staff and truck resources <br />to enable expansion of the rural curbside program to collect more areas of the County without <br />increases in the Rural 3-R Fee and possibly a reduction in the fee. People on the denser, outlying <br />areas of our existing routes continue to call and express interest in curbside recycling. Trucks that <br />have compaction and can collect carts, will allow us to expand without adding resources. <br />7 <br />Current rural curbside collection truck <br />Single stream collection truck with compaction <br />
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