Orange County NC Website
6 <br />cardboard in which we continue to see increased volumes at the curb. A large cart will allow the <br />program to evolve and accept more materials without a need to purchase larger carts in the near <br />future. If the markets start accepting bulky plastics (#2, #4, and #5 rigid plastics) or some other <br />unforeseen material at the curb, the large cart will likely provide capacity, where the 65 gallon cart <br />would have limitations. The cost difference between the two sized carts is very minor. If the County <br />wanted to consider collecting every other week in the future, the 95 gallon will provide enough <br />capacity to do this. In our research, communities axe finding that the 65 gallon cart is not enough <br />capacity for two weeks for many households. <br />Note: We do not recommend providing two different size carts and giving citizens an option. After <br />speaking with other local governments who have tried the two cart option have indicated that it <br />becomes too cumbersome to track the cart size that each resident wants. In many other communities <br />citizens may think they want one size, but after it is delivered they request a different size. Solid <br />Waste staff does not have the ability to repeatedly change sizes and deliver the carts to residents and <br />is concerned about committing additional staff resources to this activity. <br />Currently, the Town of Hillsborough uses 95 gallon gray carts for household waste, and no carts for <br />yard waste. The Town of Carrboro also uses 95 gallon solid green carts for household waste. The <br />older carts are light green and the newer carts are a darker green. Carrboro uses a brown 95 gallon <br />cart for yard waste. The Town of Chapel Hill uses 68 gallon green carts with black lids for <br />household waste and 95 gallon brown carts for yard waste. They also have older light green carts <br />for household waste. <br />r y.. <br />-jh. .. <br />1 <br />_ ~. <br />~.. /~~r 1 <br />f ~ <br />~ ¢ ))' <br />~ F ~~~ ~~t <br />1 Y' <br />Hillsborough Household Waste (95 gallon) <br />Carrboro Household Waste (95 gallon) <br />4 <br />.~ :;~~ <br />