Agenda - 12-05-2011 - 8c
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-05-2011
Agenda - 12-05-2011 - 8c
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2/21/2012 12:56:45 PM
Creation date
12/2/2011 4:10:34 PM
Meeting Type
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Minutes 12-05-2011
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6 <br />suggested by either the SWAB or residents could be incorporated into the detailed planning <br />process if consistent with the BOCC approved conceptual framework. <br />Why is the new redesigned center located at the front of the propertv near the road and not <br />placed further back, even at the rear of the propertv? <br />As part of the initial planning slightly shifting the center back (to the south) was considered. For <br />two primary reasons we did not pursue this shift. One was to avoid the abandoned pond (old <br />hog lagoon) location where previously long saturated soils and subsequent fill dirt were not <br />conducive to building structures (walls, concrete, etc.) without considerable soil amendments <br />and/or compaction, which would have increased cost. Secondly, the on-site stream located in <br />this area requires buffering that would have impinged on the available area at that general <br />location necessitating a longer and more linear design which would have made it more difficult <br />for good traffic flow and oversight by two attendants over a much longer distance. There are <br />also some steeper slopes in this area. So staff rather easily discarded this option. <br />Moving the convenience center to the rear of the property was not considered, although from a <br />structural, hydrogeological and regulatory perspective staff believes it could be constructed and <br />permitted there. Among the concerns associated with placing the center at the rear of the <br />property are: <br />^ The driveway from Walnut Grove Church Road necessary to access the rear portion of <br />the property would have to be about 950 feet longer than the current recommended site <br />plan. This driveway would have to handle two-way truck traffic therefore it would have to <br />be wider. This additional driveway would significantly increase the impervious surface of <br />the project and require an enhanced stormwater control plan. <br />^ Placing the center at the rear of the property would also, as a practical matter, eliminate <br />the potential future use of this parcel for a temporary emergency storm debris disposal <br />site. A 100 foot buffer is required for permitting a storm debris site and if the widest <br />portion of the property is utilized for the convenience center, the narrower and more <br />hydrologically constrained portion of the parcel would not allow a good useable area <br />after the buffer area is applied. Only a narrow sliver of property would be available for <br />debris storage and processing. <br />^ Along driveway would not be able to be subject to ongoing oversight by and easily <br />visible to the two center attendants who will be busy monitoring the larger center and <br />expanded services. It would be our opinion that illegal dumping could occur in the <br />driveway, etc. for those not wanting to comply with various separation requirements, or <br />who are not eligible to use the center. A load could be dumped on the side of the <br />driveway where the attendants would not be able to oversee and address and the <br />perpetrator could turnaround and leave without ever being seen by center staff. <br />^ Most center users just want to get into the center, do their business and leave as soon <br />as possible, not wishing to spend more time there than necessary. A much longer <br />driveway would require more of a time commitment by users as they would have to drive <br />further entering and exiting the center. It would be less convenient. <br />This being said, staff could pursue a site plan concept using the rear portion of the parcel should <br />the BOCC so desire. The above conclusion is not that it could not be constructed there; only <br />that staff believes there are good reasons for not doing so. <br />What use does the county have planned for the large parcel recently purchased on Schley <br />area? <br />4 <br />
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