Orange County NC Website
4 <br />It should be noted that the intersection in question was upgraded by NCDOT in 2006. It is <br />assumed that to the extent feasible at the time the intersection upgrade addressed the safety <br />concerns. <br />Comment that it is desirable and appreciated that we intend to reduce expenditures by shifting <br />center operations to county owned property and to end the long term lease of private property. <br />Request to make the site attractive for the surrounding neighborhood. <br />Planning for this improvement project will definitely include well planted and maintained buffers <br />that may also, where feasible, include planted berms. Additionally, overall site appearance will <br />be significantly improved through the reduction in number of containers, paving, etc. <br />What has been planned for stormwater management? <br />A stormwater management plan will be developed in conjunction with the detailed site design <br />and permitting process. At the preliminary conceptual site plan stage these decisions have not <br />yet been made. It is safe to say that all rules, regulations and best management practices will <br />be incorporated into the design and operation of the site. <br />Although there are no odor problems as the site is currently operated, will there be odors <br />resulting from the new site and what can be expected with regard to noise from the new site? <br />Given the new design proposes to move from open containers of solid waste to enclosed <br />containers the potential for odors will be significantly less than at present. The new service of <br />food waste recycling will require frequent collection and the regular rinsing of the collection <br />containers. Any odors resulting from food waste will be dealt with immediately through an array <br />of measures including considering different containers, odor control agent applications, <br />collection schedule adjustments, etc. We currently provide food waste collection at over thirty <br />commercial locations and odor has not been a major issue for any of the food waste generators. <br />All food waste collection containers used in the program are closed carts or dumpsters. <br />With regard to noise, the existing open top dumpsters used for waste collection and dumpsters <br />used for cardboard particularly require the service truck to shake the containers to remove their <br />contents that often become bridged or otherwise stuck. The switch to compactors will not <br />require such shaking (and the resulting metal on metal noise). Additionally, with a major <br />reduction in the number of service truck trips to the site, truck noise will also be reduced <br />compared to the current situation. Therefore, staff is of the opinion that there should be an <br />overall reduction in noise from new site operations. <br />Nearby resident expressed concern regarding the public using her driveway as a turnaround by <br />users of the center particularly when the center is closed. Over time this has caused damage <br />to her gravel driveway. <br />Staff has requested that the resident contact the Solid Waste Director to discuss measures to <br />alleviate this problem. Staff will consider signage or other means to dissuade this driveway from <br />being used in this manner. <br />Is the remaining portion of this site being considered for a transfer station at some point in the <br />future? <br />