Orange County NC Website
3 <br />Memorandum <br />To: Frank Clifton, County Manager <br />From: Gayle Wilson, Solid Waste Management Director <br />Subject: Summary of Comments and Response: Walnut Grove Convenience Center <br />Public Information Meeting <br />Date: November 14, 2011 <br />A community public information meeting was held on October 24, 2011 at the Northern Human <br />Services Center on Highway 86N with the objective of receiving comments from the public <br />regarding the draft conceptual site plan. Nine county residents attended the meeting. <br />Several comments and questions were offered and staff responded, exchanged information or <br />took the input under advisement in finalizing the preliminary concept site plan for presentation to <br />the Board of Commissioners. The comments expressed and the staff response is summarized <br />as follows: <br />Concern about traffic volume increase following the improvements <br />Following the previous Walnut Grove Solid Waste Convenience Center (SWCC) site <br />improvements in 2007, traffic at the site increased considerably due to the shifting of the users <br />of closed Highway 57 Convenience Center to Walnut Grove. Such an increase in traffic volume <br />is not anticipated as a result of this improvement project. In fact, due to moving to a <br />combination of larger roll-off containers and compactors we project that service truck traffic at <br />' this location will be reduced by over 50%. <br />Concern about traffic safety related to the Hwy. 86N and Walnut Grove Church Road <br />Intersection <br />We agree that this intersection is a potentially dangerous, although we are not aware of any <br />accidents associated with SWCC customers entering or leaving the center. We have had and <br />are continuing discussions with NCDOT with regard to traffic issues relative to center ingress <br />and egress. The proposed site plan allows for about twice the queuing space inside the site <br />that makes it very unlikely that traffic entering the center will back up onto Walnut Grove Road. <br />The entrance is proposed to be-moved about 30 feet further east away from the intersection. <br />Most users of the center will be local residents who are accustomed to the intersection's <br />challenges and aware that care will be necessary, particularly when turning left onto Hwy. 86. <br />As previously stated the number of large trucks that service the site will be reduced <br />substantially. <br />One suggestion discussed by staff was to consider a single entrance/exit driveway at the <br />extreme eastern portion of the sites road frontage rather than a separate entrance and exit as <br />proposed. This would allow additional space between access to the center and the intersection. <br />A single entrance/exit would, in the opinion of staff and our consultant, make internal center <br />traffic flow somewhat problematic and less functional. The "build team" is in the process of <br />scheduling an on-site meeting with DOT to discuss the issue of traffic safety further. If deemed <br />necessary by NCDOT or county planning staff, we are prepared to conduct a traffic analysis or <br />pursue traffic control or other traffic alert devices. <br />