Agenda - 12-05-2011 - 8a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-05-2011
Agenda - 12-05-2011 - 8a
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Last modified
2/21/2012 12:56:05 PM
Creation date
12/2/2011 3:56:26 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes 12-05-2011
(Linked From)
\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2010's\2011
RES-2011-107 Resolution to Levy the Article 46 One-Quarter Cent (1/4¢) County Sales and Use Tax Approved by Voters on November 8, 2011
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\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2011
RES-2011-107 Resolution to Levy the Article 46 One-Quarter Cent (1/4¢) County Sales and Use Tax Approved by Voters on November 8, 2011 (2)
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2011
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9 <br />schools and technology. Assuming that these funds aze divided between the two Orange County <br />school districts based on ADM, the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools could expect to receive <br />approximately $760,000 per year. Our school district is desperately in need of additional capital <br />funds in light of recent reductions in state and county funding for capital needs. Although this <br />funding would still leave us far short of our anticipated CIP funds two years ago, it will be of <br />assistance. Furthermore, if the funds for economic development are effective, they ultimately <br />will provide additional revenues to support the schools and county government. <br />The Board of Orange County Commissioner's resolution calls for the Boazd of Education to <br />provide a detailed list of prioritized projects that could be completed within that ten yeaz time <br />frame. At this time, adminstration would recommend that funding from the '/4 cent sales tax be <br />used to support energy efficiency projects in our CIP at our older schools as well as technology. <br />Specifically, we would seek to complete energy efficient lighting upgrades at at FPG, Culbreth <br />and Phillips. We would seek to complete the replacements of heating and air conditioning <br />equipment with more energy efficient equipment at Chapel Hill High School, Culbreth, Phillips, <br />Glenwood and Estes Hills. We would also seek to support technology. District technology has <br />been aging as schools adopt a "make do" approach during times of budget cuts. Without funding <br />to support a refresh cycle for new computers, our schools will lag behind in their ability to <br />deliver 21~ Century instruction in an effective manner. If the voters approve of the additional <br />tax, adminstration would develop a prioritized list and submit it to the Board for approval in <br />conjunction with the CIP next year. <br />PERSONNEL IMPACT: None <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Passage of this referendum could generate approximately $760,000 <br />in revenues for school capital projects and technology <br />RECONIlVIENDATION: A royal of the resolution. <br />RESOLUTION: Be it, therefore, resolved that the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City <br />Schools support the passage of a 1/4 cent sales and use tax on <br />the November 8,• 2011 ballot. <br />
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