Agenda - 12-05-2011 - 7a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-05-2011
Agenda - 12-05-2011 - 7a
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Last modified
2/21/2012 12:55:30 PM
Creation date
12/2/2011 3:54:35 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 12-05-2011
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9 <br />D. Methodolo~y. The methodology used to determine the assignment of house and <br />building address numbers shall be: <br />The County shall be divided by two axes. The north-south axis shall be NC 86 N <br />(New Highway 86 from the Caswell County line to I-85, Old NC 86 from I-85 to <br />Calvander). The east-west axis shall be St. Mary's Road (from the Durham <br />County line to US 70) and a continuance of US 70 from that intersection <br />westward to the Alamance County line. <br />2. Directionality of the road of origin used to determine "right" and "left" shall be <br />determined as one travels away from the intersection of the aforementioned axis. <br />3. Addresses shall be assigned at either the federal standard of -5.82 feet or twenty <br />feet intervals along the length of the road as determined by the Address <br />Administrator. The intent of this practice is to ensure there are available <br />addresses between addressable structures that can be assigned at a later date. <br />4. The range of addresses shall begin with the lowest number in the range being <br />closest to the road of origin with the numbers increasing as the distance from the <br />road of origin increases. If the road to be addressed does not have an immediately <br />discernable origin but connects two roads, the road closest to the intersection of <br />the aforementioned axis shall be deemed the road of origin. <br />5. For all new roads, addresses shall be assigned along roads with odd numbers on <br />the left and even numbers on the right. <br />6. Address ranges for new roads in a subdivision will begin with either even or odd <br />integers but not both. If a right turn must be taken to enter the subdivision from <br />the road of origin, all address ranges will begin with an even integer. If a left turn <br />must be taken to enter the subdivision from the road of origin, all address ranges <br />shall begin with an odd integer. <br />E. Di~lay of Road Address Numbers. Once assigned, road address numbers must be <br />clearly displayed so the location can be easily identified from the road. <br />1. .The official address number must be displayed on the front of a building <br />or at the entrance to a building, which is most clearly visible from the <br />street or road during both day and night. <br />2. If a building is more than seventy-five feet from any road, the address <br />number shall be displayed at the end of the driveway or easement <br />nearest the road, which provides access to the building. <br />Draft Road Naming and Addressing Ordinance <br />August I5, 2011 <br />
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