Agenda - 12-05-2011 - 7a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-05-2011
Agenda - 12-05-2011 - 7a
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Last modified
2/21/2012 12:55:30 PM
Creation date
12/2/2011 3:54:35 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes 12-05-2011
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2010's\2011
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11 <br />239.1(a), except an initial name for a new road that has been approved by the <br />address administrator may be assigned without a public hearing if recorded in the <br />Register of Deeds Office on an approved subdivision plat. <br />B. Adoption of Ordinance. Prior to adopting an ordinance to establish a procedure to assign <br />or reassign street numbers on the road, the Board of County Commissioners shall <br />provide notice and hold a public hearing in accordance with G.S. 153A-239.1(a). <br />C. Notice. After naming or renaming a public or private road, or assigning or <br />reassigning street numbers on a public or private road,..-the Address Administrator <br />shall provide notice to be given to the local postmaster with jurisdiction over the <br />road, to the North Carolina Board of Transportation and any city within five miles of <br />the road. <br />ARTICLE VI PENALTY <br />A. Structures Rec~uirin~ a Certificate of Occupancy. The certificate of occupancy for <br />any structure erected, repaired or modified after the effective date of this Ordinance <br />shall be withheld by the Orange County Building and Inspections Department until <br />the address is posted correctly. on the structure as outlined in this Ordinance. <br />B. Existing Structures. If an addressable structure is not in compliance with this <br />Ordinance, the Administrator shall provide a written notice of violation to an owner <br />or occupant, of legal age, that the building is not in compliance with this Ordinance <br />specifying that within sixty (60) days the addressable structure must be brought into <br />compliance. <br />1. If the owner or occupant of an addressable structure fails to bring the <br />addressable structure into compliance within sixty (60) days of receiving written <br />notice of violation the owner or occupant shall be in violation of this Ordinance. <br />2. Means of notice deemed sufficient and proper include but are not limited to <br />registered or certified mail sent to the last known address of an owner or occupant <br />as ascertained from the County's tax listing, posting on the front door of the <br />building, or hand delivery to an occupant of legal age found at the addressable <br />structure. <br />3. Written notice of violation and citations pursuant to this section shall be <br />deemed delivered and properly served upon: depositing said notice and/or citation <br />into a receptacle of the United States Postal Service; posting on the front door of <br />the addressable structure; or hand delivery to an occupant of legal age found at the <br />addressable structure. <br />C. Penalties. If an owner or occupant does not bring an addressable structure into <br />compliance with this Ordinance after proper notice and sixty days (60) has elapsed, <br />Draft Road Naming and Addressing Ordinance 9 <br />August 15, 2011 <br />
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