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John Link said that this group worked very diligently and gave great attention to every capital <br />item that was brought forth for their review and consideration. Lisa Stuckey and Leo Allison were <br />extremely adept at leading the task force. <br />Commissioner Jacobs read the resolution. A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, <br />seconded by Commissioner Carey to approve and authorize the Chair to sign the resolution as stated <br />below. <br />Resolution of Recognition and Appreciation <br />ORANGE COUNTY CAPITAL NEEDS ADVISORY TASK FORCE <br />WHEREAS, the Orange County Board of Commissioners appointed the Orange County Capital Needs <br />Advisory Task Force earlier this year; and <br />WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners charged the Task Force with reviewing and discussing various <br />school and County capital needs and to recommend to the Board of Commissioners proposed amounts <br />and elements of a planned November 2001 bond referendum; and <br />WHEREAS, during a series of meetings over three months, the members of the Task Farce met and <br />ultimately provided a final report to the Board of Commissioners outlining recommended bond amounts <br />and proposed bond projects; and <br />WHEREAS, the work by the Capital Needs Advisory Task Force greatly assisted the Board of <br />Commissioners as it developed plans for the planned November 2001 bond referendum; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Orange County Board of Commissioners recognizes <br />and thanks the members of the Orange County Capital Needs Advisory Task Force for their willingness <br />to serve and to provide recommendations to the Board of Commissioners for the planned November <br />2001 bond referendum. <br />This, the 2"d day of October 2001 <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />c. Domestic Violence Awareness Month Proclamation <br />The Baard considered proclaiming the month of October 2001 as Domestic Vialence <br />Awareness Month. <br />Program Assistant for the Commission for Women Milan Pham said that the good news was <br />that last year congress fully refunded the Violence Against Women Act, which was responsible for <br />funding the Orange County Family Vialence Prevention Center. The bad news is that we still need this <br />center. <br />Commissioner Brown read this resolution. A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, <br />seconded by Commissioner Carey to approve and authorize the Chair to sign the proclamation as stated <br />below: <br />DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AWARENESS MONTH <br />OCTOBER 2001 <br />WHEREAS, domestic violence, once a secret kept among families, is now recognized as a serious <br />crime in our community, and <br />WHEREAS, domestic violence has severe consequences for survivors, their children and families and <br />impacts on the quality of life of the entire community; and <br />WHEREAS, stopping the cycle of this crime requires not only the resolve and courage of survivors, <br />but also support and involvement from all of us; and <br />