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Rod Visser made reference to the Carrboro recycling center at Carrboro Plaza and said that <br />the County's Solid Waste Department is close to construction and should be ready with a <br />recommendation within a few weeks. The lease will be for ten years. <br />In answer to a question from Chair Halkiotis about the location and if the ABC store has been <br />responsive, Gayle Wilson said that there has been na contact with the ABC store yet. The recycling <br />center is not on the ABC property at all. <br />Commissioner Brown made reference to Southern Park and that Chapel Hill wants to have a <br />recycling center there. She asked how this would work. Gayle Wilson said that, at Southern Village, <br />when the park and ride lot was originally constructed, there was a wide driveway through the middle that <br />was heavily reinforced with the expectation that a recycling center would be located where the road dead <br />ends to the woods. The Town of Chapel Hill wanted to reconsider the location and is committed to <br />providing property for the recycling center which will be afull-service recycling center. The staff will <br />come back with a request for funds to develop the site. He added that there is also a site set aside at <br />Meadowmont. <br />d} Hillsborough Commercial Solid Waste Collection <br />Rod Visser said that the Town of Hillsborough recently made a formal decision to discontinue <br />commercial solid waste collection as of July 2002. The solid waste staff is working on a proposal to take <br />over this service. There is no commitment at this point. <br />e} Recurring Solid Waste Contracts <br />This list was included in the agenda packet for the Board's information. There was no <br />discussion. <br />f} Toxicity Reduction Improvement Program Proposal <br />Rod Visser said that this item involves the Solid Waste staff putting some additional emphasis <br />on existing programming -combining and enhancing them. This would also involve some internal efforts <br />by the staff. <br />Chair Halkiotis said that, instead of making the citizens pay for recycling some items (i.e., <br />computers), the producers should pay for it. <br />Commissioner Brown said that she recalls that the LOG passed two documents trying to <br />move towards companies taking responsibility for the packaging of products that have to be recycled. <br />The staff will find these documents. <br />g} Preliminary Concept Analysis - Co-operation of Transfer Station and current Mixed <br />Solid Waste Landfill; Landclearing and Inert Debris Recycling Center <br />This information was included in the agenda packet far the Board's information. No <br />discussion was held. <br />h} Composting <br />This information was included in the agenda packet. <br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to the land clearing debris and noted that Hillsborough <br />has an operation next to the County's public works facility. He asked Gayle Wilson if he had talked to <br />Hillsborough about working in collaboration. Gayle Wilson said that his understanding was that the site <br />was a yard trimming site and not aland-clearing site where there are large trees and logs. The Town <br />Manager of Hillsborough said that they might not continue the operation because there was a lot of <br />contamination and people were bringing in trash. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he feels that a partnership should at least be pursued an the <br />60 acres. <br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to the passibility of putting solid waste operations an <br />Seven-Mile Creek. He said that this land is in a protected watershed and should not be considered as a <br />place for solid waste. He suggested some coordination with the Planning Department. <br />d. Appointments <br />