Minutes - 20011002
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20011002
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Last modified
8/14/2008 5:08:43 PM
Creation date
8/13/2008 1:56:56 PM
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Agenda - 10-02-2001-5a
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Agenda - 10-02-2001-5c
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additional capital expenditures incurred by having a mare sophisticated sorting. He said that spending <br />this money upfront to get same scientific basis for the analysis would serve the County well in terms of <br />figuring out how much to finance and how to finance. <br />Gayle Wilson said that the assumption that the SWAB is proceeding on is that the adopted <br />plan is the plan that they will evaluate and update with additional operational and financial details. The <br />SWAB is not going back and reevaluate the consultant's work. The SWAB is only looking within the <br />adopted plan. <br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to material recovery facilities {MRF's) and said that <br />although he feels there is support on the Board of County Commissioners far a MRF, he is not sure the <br />County Commissioners have made a decision that a MRF is the best solution. He said that it would <br />seem that the consultant would not give a neutral analysis because their specialty is MRF's. Blair <br />Pollock said that once all the numbers are laid on the table, there is a good basis for a decision. The <br />decision could be MRF with partners, MRF with others, etc. as opposed to having a MRF or not. He said <br />that the analysis provides strong cost details. <br />Jahn Link said that all jurisdictions have set solid waste reduction goals. Since the County <br />Commissioners now have control over this activity, the County Commissioners have the opportunity to <br />set goals for the reduction of solid waste and determine what it will cast and what is best far Grange <br />County citizens. <br />Commissioner Brown asked if RRSI is the firm that will be hired and it was confirmed that <br />RRSI would be the firm that would be recommended to look at the MRF and the collection analysis. She <br />said that this seems like a lot of money to get a few technical questions answered. <br />Rod Visser said that the work of the consultant HDR is still valid and the solid waste staff has <br />updated the numbers. This information has not gone to waste. <br />Chair Halkiotis said that he has given up three weeks of vacation to visit solid waste facilities <br />over the last fourteen years. The workers at all these plants were either prisoners, drug rehab patients, <br />Vietnamese women, etc., all being paid minimum wage for the smelly, dirty work they were expected to <br />do. He has a problem with this. He said that the Board needs to have a discussion about this. <br />John Link suggested that the Solid Waste Advisory Board share with the County <br />Commissioners what they are operating under as assumptions and let the County Commissioners <br />respond to those assumptions. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that there are some important questions that need to be <br />answered such as what are the assumptions, key questions, and work products. <br />Commissioner Carey said that he would encourage the County Commissioners to consider <br />not adding a lot of other options to the list because it makes the time and cost increase. He would rather <br />spend the money upfront to get the best advice an which the County Commissioners can make an <br />informed decision. <br />Commissioner Brawn agreed with what Commissioner Carey said. She remembers the KRIS <br />presentation and said that we have a responsibility to the taxpayers and the fees are ultimately going to <br />come out of whatever is done. This concerns her greatly. She does not want to buy into a MRF ar an <br />intermediate processing facility as the only alternative. She does not want to go back over the same <br />things, but would like to hear same new things and understand some other possibilities. <br />Other Solid Waste Matters -Informational Reports <br />aj SWAB Subcommittee on Solid Waste Financing Alternatives {Includes one decision item) <br />Rod Visser summarized the information in the agenda. Because the County Commissioners <br />had several questions, it was decided that this item would be delayed so that the SWAB could share with <br />the Board of County Commissioners the assumptions under which it is operating and what questions it <br />would like to have answers to relative to financing alternatives. <br />b) SWAB Future Priorities <br />Rod Visser summarized the information in the agenda. He will provide the County <br />Commissioners with copies of all Solid Waste Department educational materials that are provided to the <br />public. <br />c) Carrboro Plaza Recycling Center <br />
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