Minutes - 20011002
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20011002
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Last modified
8/14/2008 5:08:43 PM
Creation date
8/13/2008 1:56:56 PM
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Agenda - 10-02-2001-5a
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Commissioner Gordan asked EMS Director Nick Waters how he would respond to something <br />like terrorism. He said that the public education component is extremely important. This position will <br />look at all the tasks in the multi-hazard plan and make sure the proper weight is put on each task. <br />Commissioner Brown made reference to the June budget process and said that there were a <br />lot of questions about this position. Commissioner Gordon asked if this position would include working <br />with the state and adjacent counties on an evacuation plan because of Shearon Harris Nuclear Power <br />Plant. Nick Waters said that the position would address all hazards that Orange County would be <br />subject to that are identifiable. He said that this could be done by creating our own plateau of readiness <br />separate from the state that is above the state's readiness. <br />Commissioner Jacobs pointed out that Emergency Management is in the process of updating <br />the emergency preparedness booklet. He thinks we should look to see if there are any pilot projects in <br />this area that we may want to pursue. Also, we may want to approach our Congressmen to solicit their <br />help in our efforts. <br />Chair Halkiotis noted that the County was so much better prepared now than it was in 1996 <br />with Hurricane Fran and he attributes this to the EMS Department. <br />Commissioner Brown made reference to the duties listed and asked that the jab description <br />be made mare relevant to Orange County with specific items related to Orange County. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Gordon to <br />approve the new Emergency Management Specialist position effective October 1, 2001 and to approve <br />the amendment to the Classification and Pay Plan to add the new class of Emergency Management <br />Specialist at Salary Grade 69. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />c. ether Solid Waste Issues <br />This item was intended to discuss solid waste topics carried over from the October 1 ~` BOCC <br />work session. Substantial progress was made last night on a wide range of solid waste matters, <br />including continued progress on the Rogers Road waterline installation, progress towards a solid waste <br />facilities master plan in the Eubanks Road area, setting a public hearing for an ordinance dealing with <br />regulated recyclable materials, and approval of several programs and a position that would carry out <br />programs related to in-house recycling in governmental buildings. Rod Visser said that there were two <br />decision items left over with the first one to approve a resolution approving various aspects of a solid <br />waste master plan. He recommended that the Board authorize the Manager to include the electronics <br />and dry cell battery storage building in the special use permit modification application that was <br />recommended in phase II of the solid waste master plan, which the Board approved last night. This is in <br />paragraph five in agenda item #2 from last night's meeting. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br />authorize the Manager to include the electronics/dry cell battery storage building in the special use <br />permit modification application recommended for phase II of the solid waste master plan. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />The second decision item is related to alternative financing for the solid waste initiative. The <br />Solid Waste Advisory Board will be reviewing the County's current solid waste management plan that <br />was approved by the Board of County Commissioners and submitted to the state. One of the things <br />included in the solid waste management plan right now would be the creation of a materials recovery <br />facility. The SWAB has asked that the Board of County Commissioners consider authorizing up to <br />$16,000 to have RRSI to came in and provide information for the Solid Waste Advisory Board to consider <br />in terms of looking at the needs in terms of capital, programming, and the casts of programs. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked if this was the group that made a presentation to the County <br />Commissioners a couple of years ago and Rod Visser said that it was. She has no problem with <br />providing to the Solid Waste Advisory Board someone to help them but it struck her that a lot of the <br />information was already prepared several years ago. She asked what new things would be done. Rod <br />Visser said that the staff had done a lot of work in revisiting the information from two and three years ago <br />and it has been provided to the SWAB. Some of the numbers and assumptions are dated. <br />Blair Pollock, Solid Waste Department, said that there have been a lot of technical changes. <br />He said that it was important to look at some of the efficiencies gained in collection against the kinds of <br />
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