Orange County NC Website
Town of Hillsborough Stormwater Management Program <br />Work Plan September 2010 <br />6. Pollution PreventionlGood Housekeeping for Municipal Operations <br /> <br /> Conduct annual Good Housekeeping inspections at each of the Town's facilities OCED <br /> Maintain inspection information In a database SRO <br />Evaluate Town Provide inspections reports to the Town's Assistant Manager and Public Works <br />Operations Supervisor. SRO <br /> Provide input during the budget process to address stormwater runoff management at <br /> <br />Town facilities being considered for capital improvements SRO <br /> Correct deficiencies noted during the Good Housekeeping inspections. Hillsborough <br />Corrective Action <br /> Conduct follow-up inspections to ensure corrective actions have been completed. OCED <br /> Conduct Good Housekeeping training for new employees or provide information on <br /> <br />training opportunities provided by other entities SRO <br />Employee Training provide "refresher" training to employees as warranted SRO <br /> Expand training to all Town employees (as staff time and resources allow) SRO, Hillsborough <br />Public Awareness This portion of the Town's Good Housekeeping Plan will continue to be part of the SRO <br />OCED <br /> public outreach and education component described above. , <br /> Maintain facility inspection data in an electronic database, including corrective actions <br />Evaluation completed and those pending. Report number of facilities inspected, number of OCED <br /> inspections conducted and corrective actions taken in the annual report to the state. <br />Page 24 of 27 <br />N <br />Gn <br />