Orange County NC Website
Town of Hillsborough stormwater Management program <br />Work Plan September 2010 <br />5. Post-Construction Stormwater Management <br /> <br />New Development Review proposed new development projects to ensure compliance with the Town's SRO <br />Review stormwater post-construction requirements <br /> Inspect new structural stormwater BMPs at the time the project is complete to ensure SRO <br />OCED . <br /> compliance with approved plans , <br /> Map new BMPs using GPS/GIs technology SRO, OCED <br />BMP Inspections Review required annual inspection reports submitted by the BMP the owner SRO <br /> Conduct follow-up inspections as warranted and provide inspection reports to owner OCED <br />SRO <br /> outlining follow up actions , <br /> Issue notice of violations if warranted SRO, Hillsborough <br />Education/Outreach This portion of the post-construction stormwater management program is part of the SRO <br />OCED <br /> overall education/outreach component described in Items 1 and 2 above , <br /> Identify at least one new possible stormwater retro-fit location annually SRO <br /> Evaluate sites already identified based on land availability, willing ownership, potential SRO <br /> for pollution reductions, and other pertinent variables . <br />Retro-fit Opportunities Rank these sites and evaluate grant availability and/or other funding sources to SRO <br /> implement retro-fits <br /> Provide this information to the state and identify potential partnerships to develop and SRO <br /> fund retro-fit projects <br /> Through an inter-local agreement, the Orange County Erosion Control Division <br /> reviews and approves stormwater management plans for new development. An <br /> electronic database is maintained on each permitted site including inspection reports. <br />Evaluation Information regarding number of plans reviewed, BMP inspections and other pertinent OCED <br /> information is tracked and will be included in the annual report to the state for <br /> development within the Town's jurisdiction. Orange County also provides this <br /> information to NCDWQ pursuant to their Neuse stormwater program. <br />Page 23 of 27 <br />N <br />