Orange County NC Website
Town of Hillsborough <br />Work Plan <br />3. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination <br />stormwater Management Program <br />September 2010 <br /> <br /> and Elimination Plan. ~ <br />Continue implementing the Town's Illicit Discharge Defection OCED <br />PW <br />UD <br />Illicit Discharge , <br />, <br />Detection and _ <br />Identify one new priority area annually and conduct dry weather inspections. SRO <br />Elimination Conduct dry weather inspections of identified priority area OCED <br /> Identify other Town employees that can be cross-trained. Hillsborough <br />~ Conduct Employee <br />Cross-Training <br />Conduct at least one training session for Town employees annually, or provide <br />SRO <br /> information regarding appropriate training sessions provided by other entities. <br />Local Stream Orange County stormwater stafif will evaluate the need for additional stream SRO <br />Monitoring sampling/monitoring. <br />Public Education and This portion of the stormwater management plan is included as part of the overall SRO, OCED <br />Reporting education and outreach program <br /> Provide input to the Town so that funding sources and funding options can be fully SRO <br />Explore funding explored. <br /> Follow-up on recommendations and implement funding Hillsborough <br />Update Mapping Update the GIS stormwater mapping system to reflect changes to the MS4 as Hillsborough <br /> necessary <br /> Assess progress towards each measurable goal listed above. Track information and <br /> <br />Evaluation data towards completion of each measurable goal as detailed in the Town's "Illicit <br />SRO <br /> Discharge Detection and Elimination Plan. Report progress each year in the anriual <br /> report to the state, <br />Page 21 of 27 <br />N <br />W <br />