Orange County NC Website
Town of Hillsborough stormwater Management Program <br />Work Plan September 2010 <br />2, Public Involvement and Participation <br /> .. <br /> Maintain and update a stormwater informational website and helpline Hillsborough <br />Informational Website provide content and updates for the website SRO <br />and Helpllne <br /> , <br />Respond to citizen request for assistance through the website/helpline <br />SRO, OCED, PW <br />Outreach Participate in local events and festivals and hand out information to the public SRO <br />OCED <br />Events/Festivals regarding stormwater impacts and answer citizen questions , <br />' <br />NC Big Sweep Coordinate the Town's participation in the annual NC Big Sweep event each fall SRO <br /> Assist current volunteer groups in monitoring efforts SRO <br />Volunteer Stream <br />Monitoring <br />Disseminate Information to other civic groups, schools and business to expand <br />SRO <br />OCED <br /> volunteer stream monitoring program , <br /> Once annually, present an update to Hillsborough's Town Board regarding the SRO <br />Town Board and stormwater program and seek input on pertinent stormwater issues <br />Planning Board Input Once annually, present information to the Town's Planning Board andlor Board of SRO <br /> Adjustment regarding stormwater impacts from development <br /> Distrubute handouts and information on rain gardens to local citizens through events, SRO <br />OCED <br /> festivals, and information requests , <br />Rain Garden Program Promote installation of rain gardens at local government buildings, business and SRO, OCED <br /> private residences . <br /> Provide technical information and expertise in designing and constructing rain SRO <br /> gardens for local citizens, as needed and as time and resources allow <br /> Assess progress towards each measurable goal listed above. Track information and <br />Evaluation data towards completion of each measurable goal. Report progress each year in the SRO <br /> annual report to the state. <br />Page 20 of 27 <br />N <br />N <br />