Orange County NC Website
11 <br />Section 6.12.5 (N) shall be reworded to read as follows: <br />(N) Political Signs, in accordance with the following standards: <br />(1) Political Signs are allowed in all zoning districts. <br />(2) A Zoning Compliance Permit shall not be required to allow for the placement <br />of a political sign on private property. <br />(3) There shall be no limit to the number of political signs that can be placed on <br />private property so long as the placement of these signs complies with the <br />provisions of this Ordinance and the signs do not create a public safety <br />hazard. <br />(4) Within residential zoning districts, political signs shall not exceed nine square '. <br />feet in area or four feet in height. <br />(5) Within non-residential zoning districts, political signs shall not exceed the '. <br />maximum allowable sign area permitted for freestanding signs. <br />(6) Political signs shall only be erected 90 days prior to the established date of a <br />general election, school board election, referendum, special election, primary, <br />or other similar political activity. <br />(7) Political signs shall be removed within 21 days after an election. <br />($) Dn~i+inn~ [~innc~ nn+ ho nlln~Amr~ wi+hin n n+rnn+ rin h+ of ~ei..v Cnr ~~rnnco f <br />L V <br />~h-i$~SeC-~i6{3-~a-$~~ee~-F~~r~'r~^vr'v"s`-°ay S~a~l- v~irhr°c-a~eu~"'rri'xif}ia'rFlca-~~p'-cl}e h~.~.r+ <br />~af8~-ifFi~--~e~~r~r~ Tra-R~p9na+cr~T~aTe°cr-;-~~ee~fTei~}-ihe edge-e# <br />n~,rmm~n+ whinhn~inr io „rnn+or political signs shall only be allowed within the _'-. <br />right-of-way of the State highway system in accordance with the provisions of <br />NCGS 136-32. <br />(9) Political signs shall not be allowed on telephone poles, utility poles, trees, <br />other similar natural objects, and other signs or sign structures. <br />Section 6.16.6 (E) shall be reworded to read as follows: <br />(E) Signs,- other than traffic, governmental, street name signs, political signs erected in <br />accordance with the provisions of NCGS 136-32, or other official governmental or <br />public agency sign, shall not be permitted within any street right-of--way; <br />4 <br />