Orange County NC Website
8 <br />5. Changing Boundary Lines of Districts with Different Rates of Tax. The County <br />may merge districts or relocate territorial boundaries from one district to another upon <br />petition of two thirds of the owners of the territory involved and after receiving <br />favorable recommendation of the boards of directors of the corporations furnishing <br />fire protection to the district and holding a public hearing.14 Additionally, the Board <br />has the authority to relocate the boundary lines "in accordance with the petition or in <br />such a manner as the board may seem proper."is <br />6. Decreasing the Territory of a District. The fire protection district area may be <br />reduced upon application by the owner or owners of the territory to be removed, the <br />unanimous recommendation of the corporation furnishing fire protection in the <br />district, and the approval of the Board.16 <br />7. Abolishittg a Tax District. The County Commissioners may abolish a tax district <br />upon a petition of 1S% of the resident freeholders in the district and approval in an <br />election by a majority of the residents qualified to vote.t~ <br />County Service Districts <br />The County is authorized to define one or more areas within the county to establish a service <br />district to fund fire protection seivices.~8 A service district within a county is not a municipal <br />corporation nor does it have any independent authority. The service district is established and <br />maintained by the county. <br />Creation of a Fire Service District <br />To create a service district the board of commissioners must first consider all of the <br />following: <br />1. The resident population and population density of the proposed district; <br />2. The appraised value of the property subject to taxation in the proposed district; <br />3. The present tax rates of the county and any city or special district tax in which the <br />district or any portion is located; <br />4. The ability of the proposed district to sustain additional taxes; and <br />5. Any other matters the board believes to have a bearing on whether the district <br />should be established.t9 <br />The Board may then establish a service district if, upon information and evidence it <br />receives, it finds that all of the following apply: <br />1. There is a demonstrable need for providing the service in the distr7ct; <br />2. It is impossible or impracticable to provide those services on a countywide basis; <br />3. It is economically feasible to provide the proposed services in the district without <br />unreasonable or burdensome atmual tax levies; and <br />~a N.C.G.S. § 69-25.11{4} <br />is Id. <br />t6N.C.G.S. § 69-25.11(2) <br />~~ N.C.G.S. § b9-25.10 <br />'$ N.C.G.S. § 153A-301 <br />~9 N.C.G.S. § 153A-302(a) <br />3 <br />