Orange County NC Website
• The current contract states that "The Fire Department may provide a first responder <br />program" but it is not required by the contract. <br />At this time the Fire Department contracts need to be reviewed by the County Attorney and <br />revised to meet the current expectations of Orange County. <br />Fire Department Strategic Plan <br />The Fire Departments are moving forward with a strategic plan for fire protection in Orange <br />County. The Fire Departments hope to have the Strategic Plan complete and present it to the <br />Board of Commissioners in time for the FY 2012-13 annual budget. The County was not invited <br />to be a part of this planning process. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: The discussion of this item has no financial impact on the County. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board provide direction to staff <br />as to changes in the status of Fire Protection, Insurance & Tax Districts and new Fire Protection <br />contracts to be drafted by the County Attorney. Once the Volunteer Fire Departments complete <br />their Strategic Planning process, it may be prudent to revisit these issues in a comprehensive <br />manner. <br />