Agenda - 11-17-2011 - 3
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-17-2011
Agenda - 11-17-2011 - 3
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Last modified
12/1/2011 11:05:30 AM
Creation date
12/1/2011 11:05:28 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 11-17-2011
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2010's\2011
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This unit replaces the F800 1990 unit to provide vital <br />surge and rehabilitation equipment to mass casualty <br />scenes, special events, and extended emergency <br />responses. <br />EMS Equipment Funding Requested FY 13/14 $870,000 <br />FY 2014/15 <br />(4) Replacement Tough books $3000 $12,000 <br />The current models have reached the end of their <br />useful life and their "no fault" warranty has expired <br />should any unit break they are very costly to repair <br />because the model is no longer supported. All patient <br />care reporting and billing is generated from the tough <br />books. <br />(1) Replacement Ambulance $230,000 <br />This ambulance replaces the aging 2006 F-450 <br />model which is twice as costly to operate per <br />mile as compared to the new medium duty chassis <br />model. <br />(2) Remount MD Ambulances $110,000 $220,000 <br />To replace the aging chassis and to extend the life <br />of the box up to four times at one half the original cost <br />of the new ambulance. <br />EMS Equipment Funding Requested FY 2014115 $462,000 <br />Staffing Needs: <br />To allow for employee leave, illnesses/injuries and other absences, a unit requires replacement <br />staffing equivalent to about 40% more than the eight personnel necessary to staff the unit 24 <br />hours per day. Therefore, each unit's staffing should represent 11.2 personnel. Although there <br />has been no definitive staffing matrix established yet, current authorized positions allow the <br />EMS Branch to field five twenty-four hour units every day and one 12 hour unit daily. <br />Ambulances are staffed with one paramedic and one emergency medical technician (EMT) as a <br />minimum. In some cases there may be two paramedics, but this is usually to accommodate the <br />training or skills upgrading for an individual. <br />In the early 2000's the call volume began to outpace available EMS resources because staffing <br />was not adequately addressed. Orange County relied on temporary staff and the use of <br />overtime to add an additional 12 hour transport unit to increase the number of transport units to <br />3'/2. In 2008 the addition of 4 permanent EMTs allowed the department to increase the number <br />of ambulances to 4. In May of .2009 after the redeployment of the Initial Response Vehicle <br />(IRV) paramedics, the department increased the number of ambulances to 4'/z. The <br />
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