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additional classroom space for expansion of their year round schoal. The $900,000 would address carpet <br />issues, mold issues, additional classroom space, media renovations, and restroom facilities. The $900,000 will <br />begin to address these issues but additional money will be necessary to do all the renovations that are needed <br />at this facility. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked whether Hillsborough Elementary was going to be closed in the future <br />and Susan Halkiotis said that the decision was made several years ago not to close Hillsborough Elementary <br />and they are committed to this. Commissioner Gordon supports bringing the older school up to date. <br />Superintendent Bridges made reference to the middle school, which is on the bond referendum and <br />said that this schoal would came on line in 2003-2004. He emphasized that for the next several years, Orange <br />County schools may have issues that cannot be funded because the funding is not available in the CIP. <br />e. Fund Balance Policies and Update <br />Orange County Schools <br />Superintendent Bridges said that last year they did not fund any items in their expansion budget. <br />Their new high school opens next August. They will probably go below maintaining a 2.7°!o fund balance. <br />Their designated fund balance is a little over $2 million at this time. <br />Keith Cook made reference to the 2.7°~. It seems that with the uncertainty of the budget in future <br />years, that the school board should have same flexibility for spending that money for priorities the school <br />system has set. <br />Commissioner Brown asked if the Orange County school system plans to take the start-up costs for <br />the new high school from their fund balance and Superintendent Bridges said that they are uncertain if they <br />have enough money in the fund balance to cover these costs. At some paint in time, they will be asking the <br />County Commissioners far assistance. <br />Finance Director Ken Chavious said that with the Certificates of Participation they took out for the <br />Cedar Ridge High School project, there may be some funds available, probably between $300,000 to <br />$500,000 to help toward the start-up costs for Cedar Ridge High School. <br />Commissioner Carey said that it looks like the vast number of start-up costs would be recurring <br />casts. He asked how many of these costs would be covered by State funding. Superintendent Bridges said <br />that very few of these costs will be covered by the State because the school would not be full in their first year <br />of operation. <br />Commissioner Brown asked how many students they expect when the High School opens and <br />Superintendent Bridges said 720 students far grades 9, 10 and 11. There will not be any seniors at the new <br />High School this first year. <br />Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools <br />Nick Didow said that he provided a written response to the letter from Chair Halkiotis of September <br />11 to <br />Commissioner Brown mentioned the health concerns at Chapel Hill High School. She asked how <br />the mold issue is being addressed in the renovations. <br />Nick Didow said that they have indoor air quality issues in several of their schools. They have done <br />some things but some issues remain to be addressed. <br />Assistant Superintendent for Support Services Steve Scroggs said that some of the air quality <br />issues include water infiltration, the lack of outside air, and training custodians in how to care for a building <br />regarding air quality. <br />Nick Didow read from his letter as follows: "The $2 million will be used to remedy conditions related <br />to air quality and other health and safety concerns. We anticipate that the bulk of the money will be spent at <br />Chapel Hill High School where the needs seem to be the greatest. If there are sufficient funds, we also will <br />address other air quality issues at Estes Hills and Phillips as we identified in our original request far $7 million <br />in renovation monies." These matters will be taken up at the October 4t" meeting of the Chapel Hill-Carrboro <br />City School board. He said that he would be willing to provide to the County Commissioners information on the <br />significance of the problems they have with air quality. <br />Commissioner Brown said that she would like to see how the money from the last bond has been <br />spent and what is planned for the money from this bond referendum. <br />