Orange County NC Website
ORP,NGE CbUNTY, 1~ORTH CAROLINA <br />D The Department of Emergency Services, the fire and rescue departments, <br />the medical director, and other appropriate officials need to systematically <br />evaluate approaches to improve EMS response. <br />~ The fire, rescue, and emergency service providers need to develop a <br />strategic planning process which encourages participation by all segments <br />of the emergency response community. <br />Threats are conditions or circumstances which may cause a reduction in the <br />quality of services. Some threats to the effective operation of the current emergency <br />response system include a failure to plan for economic growth, reduction in third- <br />party billing revenue, and strained communication among service providers. <br />Exhibit 3 displays a list of opportunities and threats to the fire, rescue, and <br />emergency services system. <br />EXHIBIT 3 <br />OPPORTUNITIES AND THREATS <br />ORANGE COUNTY FIRE, RESCUE, AND EMERGENCY SERVICES <br />OPPORTUNITIES THREATS <br />Administrative support for volunteers Poor economic climate <br />Coordination of resources Improving economic climate <br />Improved EMS response Third- party billing <br />Systematic data analysis Data generation <br />Monthly/quarterly data reports Coordination failures <br />Water supply Strained relationships <br />Strategic planning process Failure to plan <br />Response areas <br />The report is organized into several chapters. The Executive Stunnsary <br />presents the major strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to the fire, <br />rescue, and emergency services system. Chapter II, Orange CountyFire, Rescue, and <br />Emergency Services, provides an overview of the emergency response system in the <br />County. Chapter III, Standards, Benchmarks, and Response Parameters, describes <br />~} A~l1A CONSULTING GkOUP, INC. 6 <br />