Orange County NC Website
ORANGE COUNTY, 1~RTH CAROLINA <br />EXHIBIT 2 <br />STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES <br />ORANGE COUNTY FIRE, RESCUE, AND EMERGENCY SERVICES <br />SYSTEM STRENGTHS SYSTEM WEAKNESSES <br />Successful volunteer organizations Secondary answering point and dispatch <br />Adaptive volunteer organizations Under funded services <br />Full- time fire departments Lack of usable data <br />County- wide answering point and dispatch system Strained relationships <br />Fire station locations Hazardous materials response <br />County-wide ALS Elimination of emergency services management <br />positions <br />Apparatus fleet Coordination of resources <br />Training programs EMS response delays <br />Emergency medical training Call processing delays <br />VIPER radio system VIPER radio limitations <br />Mutual aid Contracts and franchise agreements <br />Fireground safety Lack of a strategic plan <br />The strengths and weaknesses in an emergency response system help officials <br />to identify the opportunities for improvement. Opportunities are those conditions <br />or circumstances which may improve service performance. Some of the principal <br />opportunities for the fire, rescue, and emergency services agencies in Orange County <br />include: <br />D The County has an opportunity to improve the operations of volunteer fire <br />departments by providing some administrative support services. <br />D The Department of Emergency Services needs to acquire software to <br />enable it to analyze fire, rescue, and emergency medical service responses. <br />The sharing of emergency response information among service providers <br />will also benefit the response system. <br />~} MA2A CbNSULTING GkOUP, INC. S <br />