Orange County NC Website
ORANGE CbUNTY,1~bRTH CAROLINA <br />servicing the debt associated with real property (fire station mortgage). Exhibit 37 <br />shows the past four years of the department's approved budgets. <br />EXHIBIT 37 <br />EFLAND FIRE DEPARTMENT BUDGET <br />(COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT FUNDING) <br />2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 <br />$237,855 $295,496 $303,230 $308,246 <br />Percent /ncrease or Decrease 24.2% 2 6% 1 7% <br />The department maintains a firefighter safety program for the protection of <br />its members. A Passport system is used by the Efland Fire Department and its mutual <br />aid partners to ensure accountability at emergency scenes. The department's <br />firefighter safety practices also include adherence to the"2-in-2-out" rule and <br />standardized building evacuation protocols. The department relies on local vendors <br />for routine maintenance and ongoing inspections of personal protective equipment <br />and clothing. <br />The headquarters station is located at 3900 US Highway 70 and was <br />constructed in 1978; the building is in generally good condition. The second station, <br />opened in 2007, is located at 5900 US Highway 70. <br />The fire apparatus fleet is composed of three engines, two tankers, one brush <br />truck, a medical response vehicle, and a general use vehicle. Exhibit 38 lists the <br />departments major apparatus, the year of manufacture, and the apparatus <br />designation. <br />EXHIBIT 38 <br />APPARATUS FLEET <br /> YEAR DESIGNATION ENGINE AERIAL TANKER BRUSH COMMAND <br /> UTILITY <br />Engine, Pierce, 1,250 gpm, 1,000- <br /> <br />gallon tank 2001 Engine 133 1 <br />Engine, Ford C- 8000, 1,000 gpm, <br /> <br />1,000- gallon tank 1988 Engine 132 1 <br />Engine, Ferrara 1 ,250 gpm, 1,000- <br /> <br />gallon tank 2007 1 <br />f~ N1119A CONSULTING GROUP, nvc. 49 <br />