Orange County NC Website
ORANGE CbUNTY 1~bRTH CAROLINA <br />EXHIBIT 1 5 <br />NFPA 1 72O PERFORMANCE STANDARD <br />STAFFING AND RESPONSE TIME STANDARDS FOR VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENTS <br />DEMAND ZONE POPULATION PER SQ. MI. NUMBER OF PERSONNEL TIME PERCENT OF <br /> (MINUTES) TIME <br />Urban > 1, 000 15 9 90% <br />Suburban 500 to 1,000 10 10 90% <br />Rural <500 6 14 80% <br />Remote travel distance > 8 miles 4 - 90% <br />Source: NFPA 1720 <br />NFPA Standard 1720 indicates that a fire district with a population density of <br />less than 500 residents per square mile should be able deliver six firefighters to the <br />scene of a fire within 14 minutes. In a fire district with a population density of 500 <br />to 1,000 persons per square mile, the fire department should be able to deliver 10 <br />personnel within 10 minutes. <br />NATIONAL 1rfRE PkOTECTION STANDARD 1710 <br />NFPA Standard 1710 is applicable to fully paid fire departments, such as <br />Carrboro and Chapel Hill. The standard describes staffing requirements and <br />maximum response times to fire and EMS incidents. <br />Minimum requirements relating to the organization and deployment of fire <br />suppression operations, emergency medical operations, and special operations for <br />all career fire departments are contained in NFPA 1710. The standard also specifies <br />minimum criteria for addressing the effectiveness and efficiency of fire suppression <br />operations, emergency medical services, and special operations. <br />The standard presents response time measures (described below) and also <br />stipulates that these response time performance objectives should be achieved in at <br />least 90 percent of the incidents. The response time objectives and staffing <br />requirements are summarized in Exhibit 16. <br />~} MAIA CbNSULTirrG GAour,lNC. 31 <br />