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Orange County Emergency Management, North Carolina <br />Final VIPER Anal sis Re ort Au ust 20, 2004 <br />7.0 COMPARISON OF PRIVATE SYSTEM AND VIPER <br />Comparisons described herein cover those areas of functionality and infrastructure that <br />are different and can impact how Orange County and its communities will communicate <br />with each other during or after migration to VIPER. TABLE 7-1 contains a summary of <br />key differences between the privately owned design and VIPER. <br />7.1 Functionality Comparison <br />Mode of O erp ation <br />The private system design and VIPER Infrastructure are both capable of <br />supporting analog and digital mode operation. NC-SHP allows analog only for <br />those participating entities that have an analog or dual mode 800 MHz trunked <br />system prior to joining VIPER. VIPER ultimately will become an all-digital <br />network according NC-SHP's long term plan. This limits Orange County and its <br />communities to purchasing higher cost digital subscriber radios in lieu of lower <br />cost analog subscriber radios to use the network. <br />Subscriber Equipment <br />Digital subscriber equipment can be the same for both the privately owned and <br />operated radio system and VIPER. Only the high tier digital subscriber units <br />would be capable of switching between the VIPER network and direct <br />interoperability with neighboring Motorola trunked systems independent of <br />VIPER. <br />The privately owned and operated radio system will support lower tier analog <br />non-fixed equipment for those entities not requiring digital operation. <br />Conversely, all new users on VIPER (All Orange County entities) will be <br />required to purchase all digital radios. Analog mode on VIPER is reserved only <br />for agencies that already have 800 MHz radios and an older radio system. <br />Subscriber radios for non public safety responders are a typical category for <br />analog only subscriber radios. Low and medium tier digital radios are available <br />to meet the needs of non public safety users operating on VIPER. <br />Section 7 -Comparison of Private System and VIPER <br />~- - ~`_ Page 29 of 43 <br />._., <br />