Orange County NC Website
Orange County Emergency Management, North Carolina <br />Final VIPER Anal sis Re ort Au ust 20, 2004 <br />• Agency-Tier Units are economically priced, limited feature mobile or <br />portable radios. The emphasis is on cost control through reduction in <br />features. These units may be limited in the groups and subgroups <br />available, and ruggedness. Normally few or no advanced features are <br />available. <br />The Emergency activation control is not normally supplied at this tier <br />level. Agency-Tier units are typically assigned to public service or <br />utilities personnel. <br />It is expected that High-Tier, Mid-Tier and Basic-Tier Units will be the same <br />radio model, with the only differences being equipped features or Subsystems as <br />discussed above, and price. Agency-Tier Units would be expected to be a less <br />expensive model. The three higher tiers will be from the same family of radios. <br />The intent is to allow one model/type of accessory, such as a battery, shoulder <br />microphone, or antenna, to work on all three tiers of the radio. <br />Section 6 -VIPER Opinion of Probable Cost <br />,t,. ~ Page 25 of 43 <br />.... <br />