Agenda - 11-17-2011 - 1 - Attachment 1
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-17-2011
Agenda - 11-17-2011 - 1 - Attachment 1
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Last modified
12/1/2011 10:51:39 AM
Creation date
12/1/2011 10:51:31 AM
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Work Session
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Agenda Item
1-Attachment 1
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Minutes 11-17-2011
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Orange County Emergency Management, North Carolina <br />Final VIPER Anal sis Re ort Au ust 20, 2004 <br />Non-fixed radio equipment is divided by available features into the following four <br />tiers: <br />• High-Tier Units are full featured, public safety grade portable or mobile <br />radios. These units provide features such as a full Dual Tone Multiple <br />Frequency (DYNE) keypad which allows free form dialing for telephone <br />interconnect and private, or single unit calling, and access to 200+ groups <br />or subgroups necessary for administrative functions. <br />For economic reasons, High-Tier units are normally recommended by <br />CTA for administrative, command or management personnel, or <br />approximately 10% of the fleet. Because of these added features, this tier <br />typically has the highest cost. <br />Mid-Tier Units are public safety grade portable or mobile radios that while <br />less than High Tier units, Mid Tier units include all features necessary for <br />fulfilling the particular mission of the public safety agency. These radios <br />typically have a limited keypad which allows menu selection of telephone <br />interconnect and private, or single unit calling. These radios also may <br />access 200+ talk groups. Mid-Tier units are normally assigned to front- <br />line and line supervisor public safety personnel. Mid-Tier radios are less <br />expensive than High-Tier units. <br />For economic reasons, Mid-Tier units are normally recommended by CTA <br />for front-line supervisors, and special unit personnel, or approximately <br />15% of the fleet. Because of these added features, this tier typically has <br />higher cost. <br />Basic-Tier Units, as compared to High and Mid Tier, have fewer talk <br />groups available and no keypad controls. Reliability will be equivalent to <br />the High-Tier and Mid-Tier units. These units are limited to very basic <br />features. The Basic Tier radios are typically enabled for receive-only for <br />individual call. <br />Basic-Tier units are normally recommended by CTA for front-line and <br />field personnel or approximately 75% of the fleet. Because of these <br />reduced features, this tier typically has the lowest cost. <br />~-- Section 6 -VIPER Opinion of Probable Cost <br />.f..~ - ~ Page 24 of 43 <br />,: ~, ;: . <br />
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