Orange County NC Website
8 <br />Approximately 120,000 hours of bus service. <br />16. Would commuter rail extended from Durham to Hillsboroueh be an effective means to <br />connect central Oranee County to the Trianele (includine airport) since the proposed <br />~ro~ram to accomplish would be to drive to Gateway park and ride, lieht rail to <br />transfer Durham commuter line, commuter to TTA reeional hub to transfer to airport <br />shuttle? <br />The major concentration of residents in Orange County is in the southeast corner, approximately 8 miles <br />south of Hillsborough. For most residents, the back-tracking to Hillsborough would not be acceptable, <br />since most travellers will only travel a very short distance AWAY from their destination to choose <br />another mode to travel TOWARDS their destination, unless air travel is involved. Second, the <br />concentration of residents in central Orange County is not that large, and is predicted to remain modest <br />in the future compared to the anticipated population and job growth in the 15-501 corridor. Therefore, <br />primary access to RTP and RDU via public transportation from Orange County will probably remain in the <br />form of buses for the next 20 years, such as the existing Route 800 operated by Triangle Transit between <br />Chapel Hill and RTP. <br />Extending commuter rail to Hillsborough from Durham may make sense once the initial Durham to <br />Raleigh commuter rail segment is open and successful for a few years. <br />17. How will an Inter-local Aereement (ILA) help provide manaeement and oversieht to <br />any chanees to the financial plan over time? <br />Triangle Transit is currently working closely with Wake County officials to draft an interlocal agreement <br />that would be circulated among their 12 municipalities. The ILA will define how different types of <br />changes to the plan would be managed. While minor changes, such as routing of buses and frequency <br />of service, would be delegated to transit agencies best positioned to respond to the riding public, other <br />major changes, such as significant changes in the total amount or distribution of funds disbursed in a <br />year for operating and capital expenses, would incur more oversight from governing bodies including <br />the Orange County BoCC , DCHC MPO, and the Triangle Transit Board of Trustees . Continued work by <br />all the partners working on the Orange County Transit plan will help inform the final design of any <br />interlocal agreement that the plan requires. <br />