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7 <br />12. What is the backeround rationale for the eastern route from UNC towards Hwv 54 and <br />then NNE alone I-40 to 15-501 instead of a more direct UNC to 15-501 route? In <br />combination has a BRT line been examined in the Hwv 54 corridor or similar <br />alternative analysis scenarios? <br />This question was raised by the Chapel Hill Town Manager during the Transitional Analysis phase at the <br />beginning of the Alternatives Analysis process. Triangle Transit and consultant staff put together a <br />memo detailed why the MPO chose the preferred alignment over the Fordham Blvd/15-501 approach to <br />campus. It is attached to this document as Exhibit D. <br />Independent from the Alternatives Analysis conducted by Triangle Transit, the Town of Chapel Hill <br />studied an enhanced form of bus service that it referred to as "BRT" along the 15-501 Fordham Blvd <br />corridor from exit 273 west towards campus passing Sage Rd and Europa Drive. This concept would <br />offer some improvement in bus travel times and reliability, but is not considered true Bus Rapid Transit <br />by the definitions used in Triangle Transit's alternative analysis. According to this definition, true Bus <br />Rapid Transit operates in its own, permanent, exclusive right-of-way and is not subject to interference <br />by automobiles. The guideway provides the ability for express buses to pass at ALL station locations at <br />full freeway speeds. Off-board fare payment is the norm, with no time lost during boarding for <br />passengers to put payments into the farebox. Information about these concepts can be found in the <br />Chapel Hill Transit Master Plan, which has not been adopted. <br />13. Please provide the various financial scenarios with reference to 2011 tax dollars or <br />2035 dollars or some other clearly explained footnote so the financial plan can be <br />monitored accordin¢Iv. <br />As there is presently no adopted version of the Orange County plan, we have provided the most recent <br />vital statistics of the financial plan that was discussed in June 2011 at the Orange County BoCC. This is <br />included as Exhibit E. <br />14. Ensure how no financial liability would befall the county beyond stated revenue <br />sources includine debt capacity. <br />The plan is built around the revenues in the model; requiring no additional funding outside of the model <br />to execute the plan. If for some reason any of the revenue streams in the model were not performing, <br />the overall plan outcomes would be reconsidered and revised to stay within the available revenues. <br />15. How much bus service can be provided if there is no state money and no federal <br />money for rail? <br />