Orange County NC Website
6 <br />Federal funding, it is a strong indicator that the FTA sees merit in the project and that as construction <br />approaches, a commitment known as a Full Funding Grant Agreement (FFGA), which commits the FTA to <br />the federal share of the project, is likely to be forthcoming. <br />For State Government, the Charlotte Blue Line was funded through a process very similar to the FFGA <br />process that yielded a State Funding Grant Agreement (SFGA) that secured the state commitment to <br />light rail in Charlotte. At the appropriate time, probably 3 to 7 years past the date of referendum, <br />Triangle Transit would initiate that process with NCDOT. <br />9. How are the operational costs per hour of bus service beine estimated across time and <br />different providers? <br />The bus service costs in-the model were estimated using region-wide averages of bus service cost <br />including costs of Chapel Hill Transit, DATA, CAT, and Triangle Transit. The current estimate of that <br />average is just under $87/hour in $2011 dollars. This number will be re-examined for accuracy on a <br />regular basis as the plan is implemented. <br />10. list all the lieht rail stations within Oranse County and within the limits of Chapel Hill <br />but in Durham County List where park and ride lots will be. <br />This data was originally provided at public meetings attended by Orange County staff in March 2011. <br />The table below summarizes the data as requested in question 10. <br />Station County Municipality Bus Bays Park/Ride Spaces <br />UNC Hospital Orange Chapel Hill 4 0 <br />Hamilton Rd Orange Chapel Hill 0 0 <br />Friday Center Orange Chapel Hill 0 0 <br />Meadowmont Orange Chapel Hill 0 0 <br />Hillmont / Woodmont Durham .Chapel Hill 0 < 200 <br />Gateway Durham Chapel Hill 7 500 <br />11. Describe how the I.PA will be selected. <br />The Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA) is the recorded decision by the governing MPO that specifies the <br />endpoints, alignment, and technology of a transit investment. <br />For the Durham-Orange corridor, the LPA will be selected by the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro MPO <br />after weighing input by citizens, local municipal and county governments, and other stakeholders. This <br />vote is currently scheduled for February 2012, giving Orange County time to weigh in on the decision <br />before the vote. <br />The detailed Alternatives Analysis documents from which the LPA is likely to be chosen have been <br />available since July 2011. A DVD with full documentation was sent to every Orange County <br />Commissioner, the County Manager, and Orange County Planning Staff in summer 2011. <br />