Agenda - 11-15-2011 - 9a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-15-2011
Agenda - 11-15-2011 - 9a
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Last modified
11/30/2011 12:42:20 PM
Creation date
11/30/2011 12:42:16 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 11-15-2011
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5 <br />5. How does the model assume the light rail cost to include the most expensive <br />alignment (Meadowmont) and how much lower would the rail investment cost be if <br />the Hillmont alignment were chosen? <br />Wherever possible, to be fiscally conservative, financial modelling for the Orange County plan has <br />always assumed the more expensive of two cost options where options exist. As the alignments are <br />presently designed, the Meadowmont (C1) alignment costs approximately $40 million more to build <br />than the Hillmont (C2) alignment. However, since the completion of these cost estimates, new analysis <br />from the NC 54 study by the DCHC-MPO suggests that in the future, a double or triple-left turn lane <br />from Barbee Chapel Rd onto NC 54 heading west towards UNC will be needed to handle morning rush <br />hour traffic even if the rail is built. With this recommendation on the highway side, there is a high <br />likelihood of needing to change the Hillmont design from an at-grade crossing of Barbee Chapel to an <br />elevated crossing ,which will likely cost enough to make the Hillmont alternative almost identical to the <br />Meadowmont alternative cost. <br />6. Provide a spreadsheet showing Durham's bus plan and how it lines up with the <br />regional bus plan on the Orange County plan. <br />The bus element of the Durham County Bus and Rail Investment Plan is attached to this document as <br />Exhibit C. It can be compared to Exhibit A to show which services are listed in both plans. The Durham <br />plan has been ratified by the DCHC MPO, Durham County Commission, and Triangle Transit Board of <br />Trustees; the Orange bus plan is still in a draft form. <br />7. What permits and rights of wav will need to be obtained to implement the light rail <br />and bus rapid transit. <br />This question cannot be answered with any accuracy until a certain level of design is complete, roughly <br />the 30% design level. The question of the C1 versus C2 alignment is still under discussion for the Locally <br />Preferred Alternative( LPA), and it is not uncommon for station sites to move anywhere between zero <br />and a few hundred feet during the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Preliminary Engineering <br />(PE) process. The PE/EIS processes happen concurrently and can take anywhere from 1.5 to 3.5 years to <br />complete. <br />8. How and when will state and federal monies be requested? <br />Federal and state funds for bus operations will be requested and provided through existing formula <br />programs such as the Federal 5307 funds program and the State SMAP funding process. Federal and <br />State shares of large capital projects, such as light rail, will be applied for via processes mandated by the <br />appropriate level of government. <br />For the Federal government, this process is the New Starts Program managed by the Federal Transit <br />Administration. Triangle Transit plans to submit a federal New Starts application for the Durham-Orange <br />corridor in August 2012. While acceptance into the New Starts program and a signal from the federal <br />government that the corridor is approved to enter preliminary engineering is NOT a guarantee of <br />
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