Orange County NC Website
4 <br />3. Provide more detailed description of the bus rapid transit -- length of line, exact start <br />and end point. Would BRT be viable and economical options for the high volume <br />corridors of Hwv 54. 15-501 and MLK to be part of a regional public transit network? <br />The two BRT options called BRT-high and BRT-low alternatives were studied as part of the Alternatives <br />Analysis process, in addition to the Light Rail alternative between Durham and Chapel Hill. The two BRT <br />alternatives are explained in great depth in the documents that were released by Triangle Transit and <br />provided to Orange County in July 2011. These documents do not address MLK and Fordham Blvd/15- <br />501 since those areas were removed from high priority analysis for regional transit investment in the <br />Transitional Analysis process (as part of the Alternatives Analysis process) that concluded in September <br />2010. <br />The Alternatives Analysis recommendation for using light rail in the Durham-Orange corridor over BRT <br />included the following reasons: <br />• Light rail provides the fastest end-to-end travel time for transit passengers <br />• Light rail has a demonstrated ability to influence and concentrate economic <br />development into Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) in the United States; BRT does <br />not have that track record <br />• Light rail can be powered by energy sources other than fossil fuels due to electric <br />propulsion <br />• At levels of utilization seen in other cities where light rail has been implemented, long- <br />term operating costs for LRT will be lower than BRT <br />Since the Alternatives Analysis documents were completed, Durham County has proceeded to put a plan <br />to build light rail in the 15-501 corridor between Durham and Chapel Hill. If the upcoming referendum <br />vote approves this plan for Durham, any deployment of BRT in the NC 54 corridor would not bean <br />effective connection to the regional public transit network because it would force a mode change at the <br />county line. <br />Chapel Hill Transit is also expected to accrue considerable cost savings in bus operations in the NC 54 <br />corridor when light rail opens, and those operational efficiencies would also be lost. <br />4. Provide description of the limitations on use of the sales tax (e.s., cannot be used to <br />supplant existing service) <br />Attached to this document is a memo drafted by Triangle Transit General Counsel Wib Gulley dealing <br />with the limitations on the use of half-cent sales tax revenues under NC House Bill 148. It is listed as <br />Exhibit B. <br />