Orange County NC Website
Attachment 1 a. H <br />Triangle Transit Responses to Orange County Staff Questions on Bus and Rail <br />Plans in Orange County <br />November 7, 2011 <br />1. How is the model fiscally conservative on both the revenue and expense side? <br />As a point of reference, this question was briefly discussed in Triangle Transit's June 7, 2011 <br />presentation to the Orange BoCC. We shared the following information. <br />On the expense side: <br />• Construction costs and right-of-way acquisition costs for rail have a 30% contingency added on <br />top of base costs. <br />• Capital plans add a general unspecified contingency of 4.6% above and beyond the 30% in the <br />previous item <br />• Inflation is estimated using long-term growth rates from the Federal Congressional Budget <br />Office (CBO) and Office of Management and Budget (OMB), but we have added an additional <br />0.5% inflation per year to tie more conservative on cost growth. <br />On the revenue side: <br />• Plan maintains a minimum of $3 million cash balance throughout life of the plan (about 60% of <br />initial year sales tax revenue) while running buses, planning for and building rail <br />• The plan uses along-term annual growth rate of 3.6%, which is below the historical trend for <br />Orange County, which has grown at 4.0%. Economist Karl Smith from UNC School of <br />Government has projected long-term economic growth for Orange County to be as much as <br />4.5% per year. <br />• The plan assumes no interest on cash balances; there would be interest during implementation <br />• The plan is tested against debt service coverage ratios (DSCRs) that have been accepted by bond <br />markets to loan money for transit projects in other metro areas <br />2. Which bus routes are assumed to be fare free and which ones are not? <br />This item was maintained by former Orange County Transportation Planner Mila Vega in the spring and <br />summer of 2011. It is attached to the end of this document as Exhibit A. <br />All the routes assumed to be operated by Chapel Hill Transit were assumed to be fare free, and all <br />routes assumed to be operated by Triangle Transit were assumed to have a cost recovery of 15% from <br />the farebox. Since the majority of services were assumed to be operated by Chapel Hill Transit, the <br />average fare recovery for all Orange County bus services in the financial model is 3.5%. In Durham and <br />Wake counties, the fare recovery is assumed to average 15% since there are no fare free routes. <br />