Agenda - 11-15-2011 - 5i
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-15-2011
Agenda - 11-15-2011 - 5i
Entry Properties
Last modified
11/30/2011 12:25:18 PM
Creation date
11/30/2011 12:19:17 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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2011-356 County Manager - Triangle J Council of Governments for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2010's\2011
Minutes 11-15-2011
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2010's\2011
ORD-2011-040 Budget Amendment #4-A
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\Board of County Commissioners\Ordinances\Ordinance 2010-2019\2011
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19 <br />Contract No. TJCOG-CBS-004 <br />Reporting requirements detailed below aze subject to changes by U.S. DOE throughout the period of <br />performance. Compliance with any changes to reporting is required. <br />Special Terms & Conditions Certification--compliance with Recovery Act Reporting <br />Contractor agrees to submit annually the Certification of Special Provisions American Recovery and <br />Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Form UCN-22179) included in ATTACHMENT C. <br />Monthly manhour reporting--compliance with Recovery Act Reuorting <br />1. Monthly reporting of hours expended to perform subcontracted work during each reporting month is <br />required by the Contractor. The hours reported are to be inclusive of all full-time, part-time, temporary, <br />and permanent positions supported by ARRA funding. The manhour reporting Excel sheet included in <br />this contract package is the tool to capture your monthly hours expended. In addition, the below text <br />provides general guidance on how to report the various types of hours that may be involved. <br />a) Agreements for which Direct Productive Labor Hours are invoiced (i.e. Staff Augmentation), the <br />Subcontractor shall report those hours expended in the performance of the work. <br />b) Agreements that are fixed price (such as paving, deliverable reports, construction, etc.) the <br />subcontractor shall report those hours expended in the performance of the work. This category is <br />also inclusive of Agreements containing milestone or progress payments. <br />c) For Agreements that are fixed price and the subcontractor is delivering purchased products (i.e., <br />equipment/ materials/AVID supplies), report only those hours associated with filling and delivery <br />the purchase order. If the purchased product is fabricated, report those hours expended in the <br />performance of the fabrication during the reporting month. This report is due electronically to the <br />subcontract administrator on or before the third calendar day of the month following the reporting <br />period. If that third calendaz day is a weekend day or Company holiday, the first Company business <br />day thereafter becomes the required due date. <br />2. Subcontractor Reporting :Jobs Created, Jobs Retained <br />a) The Contractor shall report on a quarterly basis the number of jobs either created and/or retained <br />and any jobs created or retained through its sub-subcontracting utilizing ARRA funding. The report <br />shall keep data pertaining to jobs created and jobs retained separate by First-Tier level and each <br />lower tier subcontractor. A job shall not be reported as both created and retained, nor can the <br />Contractor count the jobs created and/or retained by any of its subcontractors. The report shall be <br />provided electronically to TJCOG by the third calendar day following the end of the reporting <br />quarter. If that third calendar day is a weekend day or Contractor holiday, the first Contractor <br />business day thereafter becomes the required due date. Each report shall identify the cumulative of <br />all previous reporting periods, .net changes (plus or minus) that occurred for the reporting quarter, <br />and the grand total (previous reporting periods plus current reporting period) for both job categories. <br />b) Jobs created and jobs retained are defined as follows: <br />i. Jobs created -those new positions created and filled, or previously unfilled positions that <br />are filled as a result of ARRA funding. This shall be inclusive of full time and part time <br />employees. The number shall be expressed as "full time equivalents" (FTE) as determined <br />by the cumulative of all hours worked divided by the total number of hours in a full time <br />schedule as defined by the subcontractor. <br />ii. Jobs retained -those previously filled existing positions that are retained as a result of <br />ARRA funding. This shall be inclusive of full time and part-time employees. The number <br />shall be expressed as "full time equivalents" (FTE) as determined by the cumulative of all <br />hours worked divided by the total number of hours in a full time schedule as defined by the <br />subcontractor. <br />Quarterly Reporting and Data Collection <br />Undei the provisions of the ARRA, the Government requires the collection of certain data during the course of <br />the Contract. The Contractor shall provide the required data or provide support for the collection of the data, <br />Page 15 of 34 <br />
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