Agenda - 11-10-2011 - 1
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-10-2011
Agenda - 11-10-2011 - 1
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Last modified
11/29/2011 4:13:26 PM
Creation date
11/29/2011 4:13:24 PM
Meeting Type
Work Session
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 11-10-2011
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8 <br />- Order of Business -Page 16 -Update to Current Order (when formally adopted) <br />- Public Charge -Page 17 -Change "citizens" and "citizen" to "residents" or "the <br />public" <br />- Others changes as needed. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that it is a good idea not to add things to the agenda at the <br />last minute. She recommended taking the stricter approach and not allow late additions unless <br />an emergency exists. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that if anything is to be added, then the Chair should bring it <br />up at the beginning of the agenda. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that the way it is written is fine. <br />Commissioner Yuhasz said that the Chair and Vice-Chair can be dictatorial but there <br />should be some procedure where the full Board can override the Chair and Vice-Chair. <br />Chair Pelissier agreed that there should be a procedure. <br />.Commissioner Yuhasz suggested that if an item has been petitioned by a Board member <br />and the Chair and Vice-Chair review it and decline to put it on the agenda, the item can be <br />added to the next immediate agenda by a majority vote of the Board. It would have to go <br />through the process first. <br />Back to yellow sheet: <br />* Consent Agenda <br />- Items to include or exclude by custom <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that there should be some parameters as to what goes on <br />the consent agenda by amount, or if previously discussed by Board and not agreed upon. If <br />something is of significant public interest, it should not be on the consent agenda. <br />Chair Pelissier said that it sounds like a lot of work to come up with criteria when any <br />item can be pulled off the consent agenda. Commissioner Yuhasz agreed. <br />Chair Pelissier said that she is not hearing a majority for adding criteria. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he would argue for keeping things off the agenda so that <br />people know they exist, because they indicate things that the Board might not ever otherwise be <br />able to publicize. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that this item will not be finished this afternoon, so she would <br />like to bring up i#em #4 on the agenda. <br />Commissioner McKee left at 4:27 PM. <br />4. Creation of a General Policy for Board of County Commissioner Advisory Boards <br />Commissioner Gordon asked about Page 2 of 13 at the bottom. Regarding Section III, <br />Membership, and the qualifications, she asked Donna Baker to send what the facilitators had <br />given the Board. She said that it seems that the Board discussed things that are not listed here. <br />She thought that there was a discussion that members should not owe any taxes in Orange <br />County or be convicted of any felonies. She asked if anyone else remembered this. <br />John Roberts said that this is a draft only and it could be added. There were a number <br />of things that were discussed but not included because there was no consensus. <br />
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