Agenda - 11-10-2011 - 1
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-10-2011
Agenda - 11-10-2011 - 1
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Last modified
11/29/2011 4:13:26 PM
Creation date
11/29/2011 4:13:24 PM
Meeting Type
Work Session
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes 11-10-2011
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2010's\2011
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3 <br />Chair Pelissier said that she sees the Fire Chiefs as a taxing entity and not just a group. <br />She said that she is not willing to have community groups because then they would have to <br />meet with everyone that asks. She suggested having limitations for who the County <br />Commissioners will meet with. <br />Commissioner Jacobs suggested the wording, "partner public entity." <br />The Board agreed that the Board will meet with elected governing boards as well <br />as internal boards and commissions on an annual basis, and other partner public <br />entities. <br />3. Limit on Time for Public Comments on Items Not on the Printed Agenda/ Items <br />on the Printed Agenda <br />The Board has in the past followed an "unwritten rule" of allowing only a one hour <br />comment period for all "Items Not on the Printed Agenda," while still allowing unlimited comment <br />periods for "Items on the Printed Agenda." <br />Decision Points: <br />• Does the Board want to formalize the one hour limit on public comment for <br />"Items not on the Printed Agenda" as part of their Board Rules and Procedures? <br />• Does the Board want to add a time limit on public comment for "Items on the <br />Printed Agenda"? <br />Commissioner Yuhasz suggested keeping the limit to one hour. <br />Commissioner McKee said that if it has only happened a couple of times, then he does <br />not see it being a problem. He said that if there are 40 people signed up to speak, then the <br />County Commissioners should listen because they were elected to listen. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that if it is not on printed agenda, it should be limited to one <br />hour. If it is on the printed agenda, then it can be unlimited. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she asked Commissioner Foushee about this and <br />Commissioner Foushee said if there is a limit, then it can be suspended if needed by a <br />unanimous vote. <br />Commissioner Gordon agreed with the one-hour limit for items not on the printed agenda <br />and an unlimited time for items on the printed agenda. <br />Chair Pelissier said that she would like a limit on items not on the printed agenda. <br />Frank Clifton suggested that there be a limit on the items not on the printed agenda. <br />Commissioner Gordon agreed that there should be a limit on items not on the printed <br />agenda. There could always be a vote to extend. <br />Commissioner Yuhasz suggested not announcing this but putting it on the sign-up sheet. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that there are some things that the Chair should do to <br />discipline other Board members that he would like to discuss. <br />The Board agreed to have aone-hour limit on items not on°the printed agenda, but no <br />limit on items on the printed agenda. The Board can choose to extend the items not on the <br />printed agenda. <br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to expectations that the Chair should enforce. <br />He said that the people in the room are the public and not an audience and they should be <br />treated as the public and not an audience. Also, there have been agreements in the past about <br />how long a Board member should speak and how the Chair should be in control of this situation, <br />and this has broken down. In reference to the Manager, he spoke recently on an item but all <br />County Commissioners did not get a chance to speak because of him speaking, which then <br />
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