Orange County NC Website
11 <br />Board of Commissioners' Rules of Procedures -proposed changes: (some have already <br />been approved but need to be incorporated into final document) <br />Page 10 and Page 11: Standard Meeting Time for BOCC meetings: Change: 7:30pm to <br />7:OOpm <br />Page 11: IV. Regular and Special Meetings -- Rule 6. Regular and Special Meetings. <br />(a) Regular Meetings. <br />The board usually shalt holds a regular meeting on the firsf and third Tuesdays (as calendar <br />allows 'n.d }hirrl T~ ~°c"Jw of each month in accordance vvith the "Board Calendar of Meetings" <br />approved by the board. All meetings shall begin at 7:30 p.m. unless otherwise noted on <br />the "Calendar of Meetings." The board may change the place or time of any meeting listed on <br />the approved "Calendar of Meetings" , by a majority vote and have it <br />posted and noticed no less than seven days before the change takes effect. Such a resolution <br />shall be filed with the clerk to the board and posted, on the principal bulletin board of the county, <br />and at or near the regular meeting place, and copies shall be sent to all persons who have <br />requested notice of special meetings of the board. <br />Page 14: Rule 8. Broadcasting and Recording Meetings.' (a) Except a-s~evi~'°^'~~r;;s <br />~n ~+nv rr+r}i~ nr }°I°vi~+inn c}n}inn ic. °n}i}I°rl <br />r~}r~ cn,~ ~v crrcrcrca <br />~t7-tc nhn}nnrnnh film }ten°_ <br />~ o <br />r°nnrrl nr n}h°n~.ic.° r°nrnrl~ ~n° env rvn rF of ~ m°o}inn r°n~ ~ir°r) }n h° nn°n <br />f <br />. DELETE THIS <br />PORTION <br />Page 15: Process for a Member of the Board of Commissioners to Place an Item on a <br />Meeting Agenda aadopted March 15, 2011) <br />The Board approved the process for a member of the Board of Commissioners to place an <br />item on a Board meeting agenda indicating a petition could be either stated orally or in <br />written form and there is not a vote but it goes through the process of review by the <br />Chair/Vice Chair/Manager. Each Board member will then be given three minutes total for <br />petitions. The Board then directed staff to incorporate the necessary changes into the <br />Board's Rules of Procedure and the agenda face sheets for regular Board meetings. <br />Page 15 -Process Regarding the Board Addressing a Request from the Public to Place <br />an Item on a Regular Board Meeting Agenda (adopted March 15, 2011) <br />The Board approved adding "Request from the Public to Place an Item on a Regular Board <br />Meeting Agenda," to the Board agenda procedures to address incorporation of this new <br />section into the agenda face sheet for regular Board meetings and into the Board's Rules of <br />Procedure as appropriate. <br />