Agenda - 10-25-2011 - 1
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 10-25-2011
Agenda - 10-25-2011 - 1
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11/29/2011 4:07:20 PM
Creation date
11/29/2011 4:02:17 PM
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Minutes 10-25-2011
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3 <br />Analysis of Book Drop Options at Orange County Main Library <br />October 25, 2011 <br />Background <br />Whiffed Building -Daily operations and set up <br />The Library operated out of the Whiffed Building on Tryon Street from 1980 <br />through 2009, averaging 16,000 items circulated per month in 2009. ~lUhitted did <br />not have a `drive-by' book drop, but did provide two 15 minute spots at the front <br />of the building for customers to use .for the deposiUreturn of items in the book <br />drop, which was, located at the front door. Staff collected the book drop <br />approximately 3-4 times per day at Whiffed. <br />Development of New Main Library Site: <br />Following the announcement of the new West Campus in November 2006, which <br />included a new library facility, the County contracted with Mr. Phil Barton, a <br />library designer to work with staff and the architect, Mr. Sam Brockwell, in <br />designing key library elements to be located within the shell of the facility. Mr. <br />Barton held public meetings which included 1) the public at large, 2) library staff, <br />and 3) elected officials and members of the Library Services Task Force(s). <br />During these sessions, participants had an opportunity to discuss the possible <br />library services that could be housed in the `Library facility shell' provided by the <br />developer as well as the accessibility of the facility from the neighborhood. An <br />example is that one of the reasons that the entrance is located on West Margaret <br />Lane was to have neighborhood accessibility rather than have it face the parking <br />area along the. side. of the building. During this process certain library elements <br />were scaled down or removed as determined by the limited site or the <br />improbable implementation. Mr. Barton has provided a recap of the events and <br />eventual decision to not install a `drive-by' book drop as a viable library service <br />(Attachment A). <br />Mr. Barton designed key elements within the library in an operationally efficient <br />manner. During this phase the siting of the book drop return room was based on <br />optimal operational workflow to the Circulation Desk and staff workroom. The <br />current `return room' in its present location is considered by Library professionals <br />to be the most efficient location in a facility of this size and design. Because of <br />the close proximity to circulation, staff can easily incorporate the return <br />procedures /steps throughout the day. <br />
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