Orange County NC Website
<br />Exceptional Children's Program: <br />1 teaching position; 3 TA positions; .5 program facilitator; $ 208,874 <br />Exceptional Children's Program: classroom supplies and computer equipment $ 10,600 <br />Transportation Department: 2 additional bus driver positions $ 62,470 <br />Information Technology: 3 technology assistant positions to support high schools $ 114,000 <br />Total of Expansion Requests $ 395,944 <br />Grand Total of Continuation and Expansion Budget Requests $1,419,836 <br />In the Board approved budget request to the Orange County Commissioners, we made a series of <br />reductions to our local budget as an initial measure to help with what we knew would be a difficult <br />budget season. These initial reductions aze listed below: <br />Initial Local Budget Reductions <br />One-time budget allocation for Literacy evaluation and support $ (70,000) <br />Reduce cleaning or custodial service/staff ~ $ (38,000) <br />Eliminate signing bonuses for hard-to-fill teaching assignments $ (25,000) <br />Reduce utility budget due to impact of conservation measures $ (250,000) <br />2% Projected reduction in local salaries and benefits due to under-spending $ (800,000) <br />Total of Initial Budget Reductions $(1,183,000) <br />After accounting for the mandates, continuation items, expansion requests, and the initial reductions, <br />we were left with a local budget shortfall of $236,836. The Board's request to the County <br />Commissioners was for the same dollar allocation because our student enrollment projection was lower <br />than last year. The County's budget did not fully fund this request and we decreased our local <br />revenues to reflect this. Combining the local shortfall with the decreased revenues meant we needed to <br />appropriate $430,142 in additional fund balance to balance our local budget. This is summarized <br />below: <br />Local Budget Shortfall after Initial Budget Reductions $236,836 <br />Add: Decrease in Local Revenues (Based on County, Manager's recommendation) $193,306 <br />Additional Fund Balance Appropriation to balance the Local Budget $430,142 <br />Out of the $5.75 million in state reductions, the district was required to make a $3,394,300 <br />discretionary reversion. Since, we had already made $2.5 million in discretionary reductions in <br />previous years we continued to revert those and added additional items to make up the difference. In <br />total, the 2011-12 discretionary reduction included 40.36 classroom teacher positions, 60 months of <br />CTE employment, and $785,830 in teacher~assistants funding. The state budget provided 8.5 FTE <br />/ additional classroom teachers in grades 1-3. Interestingly, the state budget did not change class size <br />maximums. We reverted these positions (8.5 FTE) to help meet the discretionary reversion increase at <br />the state level. The district is able to meet the current class size maximums without these positions. <br />Reverting these positions also eliminates local cost increases for supplements and teacher assistants <br />and also helped us avoid adding classrooms to already crowded schools. The reverted TA funds were <br />covered by an additional fund balance appropriation. <br />The district accepted some of the state reductions and eliminated them from the budget. These <br />included; Mentor Pay ($83,187), Classroom Materials ($188,000), and Textbooks ($617,916). Finally <br />2 <br />