Orange County NC Website
~~-l-c~c~r~~.v.~ l c~ <br />3 <br />Public Education Campaign - Items in Motion <br />• Finalize and distribute educational materials (flyers and posters) to County departments and <br />County facilities, public at large, volunteers, and private allies (Chambers of Commerce and <br />citizen advocacy committee leading advocacy campaigns) <br />• Collect and use growing lists of FAQs, draft letters to the editor, power point presentations, <br />public service announcements, and opportunities for the BOCC and County team to attend <br />special public events to present educational information <br />• Supplement dedicated County web site with web links and detailed appendices of information <br />and other public education campaign news <br />• Encourage County employees to share news and information about the referendum through <br />o e-mail "tags" and stationery <br />• Respond to direct requests from the media and community members on the facts behind the <br />referendum <br />• Pursue idea to conduct informal with the Chamber of Commerce Open Houses (Hillsborough <br />and Chapel Hill) to present to the public conceptual ideas and maps illustrating possible projects <br />in two economic development districts -Eno River and Buckhorn (Perhaps School Districts <br />would design and conduct similar for their stakeholders) <br />• Continue to develop illustrative talking points for use in opportunities that present - (See <br />Attached) <br />