Orange County NC Website
General Fund -Preliminary Results for FY 2011 <br />Attachment 4a - Preliminary 2010-11 General Fund Revenue <br />• For Fiscal Year 2011, we received 100.2% of budgeted revenue. This <br />resulted in an excess of budgeted revenue of approximately <br />$301,000. <br />• The shortfall varied among all categories of revenue. <br />o Property taxes were $2.85 million more than budget <br />o Sales taxes were $652,000 more than budget. <br />• Appropriated Fund Balance totaled $2.8 million consisting of: <br />•:~ $1.8 million in encumbrance carry forwards <br />•:~ $ .9 million for new and continuing programs <br />Attachment 4b -Preliminary 2010-11 General Fund Expenditures <br />• Expenditures were $5.2 million less than budget or 97.1% of budget <br />• Expenditures were less than revenue by~$5.6 million which <br />represents an increase in total fund balance for the fiscal year. <br />• Total Available Fund Balance is estimated at $29.1 million or 16.5% <br />of General Fund expenditures and transfers. <br />•:~ Unassigned (Undesignated) Fund Balance is estimated at $27.9 <br />million or 15.8% General Fund expenditures and transfers. <br />• Unassigned/Available Fund Balance is $6.8 higher than FY 2010. <br />• Unassigned (Undesignated) Fund Balance is estimated to increase 1 <br />percent this year. If achieved, the Unassigned (Undesignated) Fund <br />Balance will grow to 17 percent and meet the BOCC's fund balance <br />target. <br />Attachment 4c -General Fund-Chancres in Fund Balance for the fiscal year <br />ended. June 30, 2011 <br />• Restricted/Reserves for Inventories and Prepaid Expenses increased <br />$35,237 <br />• RestrictedlReserves for Encumbrances were reduced $1.04 million. <br />• Reserved By State Statute decreased $1 million <br />• Assigned/Designated for Subsequent Year's Expenses increased <br />$730,000. <br />• Unassigned/Unreserved Fund Balance increased $6.8 million. <br />19 <br />