Minutes - 08-30-2001
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 08-30-2001
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John Link suggested using the schaal standards and the figures proposed for what it casts to <br />build schools. <br />Commissioner Brown said that she is comfortable in using the school standards. <br />Commissioner Carey agrees. Also, a process has been developed that will involve the County <br />Commissioners at the appropriate point along the way in the development of the schools. <br />Chair Halkiotis agrees with going with the standards. He said that if an emergency comes <br />up, it can be addressed. <br />Cammissianer Gordon noticed that for elementary school #1Q, there is some money <br />requested for site development, which she feels will be needed because of the sewer that will have <br />to be put in. She feels that elementary school #1 Q will bear a lot of the utility costs. She would like <br />to investigate the costs and help bear the cost. <br />C05t. <br />Chair Halkiotis said that anyone using the water and sewer line should help bear some of the <br />Commissioner Brown asked for information on cost overruns of the schools from the <br />standards. She cannot understand a cost overrun of $1 million. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked if anyone has a list of how one takes into account the difference <br />in land costs between northern Orange County and southern Orange County and the difference in <br />fees from the municipalities. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Brown to approve <br />the school construction standards recommended amounts for the two elementary schools for the <br />Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools and the one middle school for Orange County Schools. These <br />amounts are $12,8QQ,QQQ for each elementary school and $18,5QQ,000 for the middle school. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she does not mind approving the school standards, but she <br />would like to have a discussion about what schools to include and how much a school should cost. <br />VOTE: Ayes, 4; No, 1(Cammissianer Gordan} <br />There is now $2,9QQ,QQQ left within the school bond. The total is now $44.1 million. <br />Commissioner Gordon suggested using the $2.9 million far land, planning, and other <br />preconstruction costs for the new high school for the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City School system. <br />She said that the projections indicate that the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City School system is growing <br />much faster than the Orange County schools. She distributed a statement that she put together <br />that articulates how she feels about this issue. She said that both school systems are anxious <br />about this and the Board should make a firm commitment that a new high school will be built. She <br />thinks that the $2.9 million should be set aside for the land, planning, and other preconstruction <br />costs for the new high school. <br />Cammissianer Jacobs said that he heard the same comments from the public and the schaal <br />boards. He distributed a sheet with a different way of looking at it. His suggestion is to leave the <br />money far renovations in the bond as recommended but to react in a positive and affirmative way <br />to the concerns that were raised. The Board has continued to state that it will provide facilities in a <br />timely fashion. <br />Commissioner Brawn said that she thinks we can address this issue through a resolution <br />stating the Board's commitment. She feels that people forget everything that has been <br />
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