Orange County NC Website
Page 1 of 2 <br />3 <br />Jeanette Jones <br />From: Catherine V1/ilson [ <br />Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2011 12:41 PM <br />70: .Jeanette Jones <br />Subject: Northern Transition Area Advisory Committee <br />Jeamiette, <br />Per our discussion, I will re-advertise the vacancy and expired terms for the Orange County <br />representatives on the NTAAC. Once you forward nee the application, I will forward it to our Board for <br />theicreview (this will occur in September). After they make a decision on the application, I will then <br />forward that bac]< to Orange County for the BOCC's consideration. See Uelow: <br />(a)-There shall-be a Northern Transition Area Advisory Committee consisting of five members, ftlree <br />appointed by the Orange County Board of Commissioners and two by the Board of Aldermen. If the Board <br />of Commissioners fails to make these appointments within ninety days after receiving a resolution from the <br />Board of Aldermen requesting that they be made, the Board of Aldermen may make them. A11 members shall- <br />be residents of the Northern Transition Area. For the purposes of this section, the Northern Transition Area <br />shall include those unannexed portions of the Northern Study Area. The Northern Study Area is defined as <br />follows: <br />The boundaries of this area are Carrboro's joint planning jurisdiction line to the north and <br />Carrboro's Town limits to the south. The Carrboro/Chapel Hill joint planning jurisdiction line <br />serves as the boundary to the east. It begins-north of Eubanks Road, follows Rogers Road to <br />Homestead, then proceeds southwest on Homestead road to High School Road and finally turns <br />south and east to the railroad right-of--way. A primary ridge line serves as the northwest <br />boundary line just east of Union Grove Church Road down to Dairyland Road, where the road <br />serves as the boundary heading southeast until it intersects, and Old NC 86 serves as the <br />boundary then turning southeast and running along Hillsborough Road to Greensboro Street. <br />(b) Members of the committee shall be appointed for three year staggered terms, but members may continue <br />to serve until their successors have been appointed. Initially the terms of all membership seats on the <br />committee shall expire on January 31, 2000. Thereafter, one county appointee and one town appointee shall <br />be appointed for three-year terms, one county appointee and one town appointee shall be appointed for two- <br />year terms, and one county appointee shall be appointed for a term of one year. All members shall thereafter <br />be appointed for terms of three years but shall be limited to no more than two consecutive three-year terms. <br />Per section (b) I will notify Linda Bowerman that she has served her maximum terms. <br />Jay Bryan was re-appointed on February 8, 201 1. See section of minutes below: <br />MOTION WAS MADE BY JACQUELYN GIST AND SECONDED BY RANDEE HAVEN00'DONNELL TO APPOINT JAY <br />BRYAN AS THE CARRBORO REPRESENTATIVE ON THE NORTHERN TRANSITION AREA ADVISORY <br />COMMITTEE. VOTE: AFFIRMATIVE ALL. <br />