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A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Gordon to refer the <br />proposed amendments to the Planning Board for a recommendation to be returned to the Board of <br />Commissioners no sooner than October 2, 2001. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />b. Amend Flexible Development Street Standards <br />1. Amend Section IV-B-10 D.4 <br />Craig Benedict said that the County Commissioners on October 10, 2000, adopted <br />amendments to the Orange County Subdivision Regulations, Appendix A Orange County Private Road <br />Standards, to reduce the number of lots on a private road from 25 to 12; eliminate the class C private road <br />provision; and to reduce the number of lots on a class B private road from 9 to 5. Street standards <br />(Subsection D.4) in Section IV-B-10 Flexible Development that mimic language in the Orange County Private <br />Road Standards are now not consistent with the newly adopted amendments. Proposed amendments will <br />make Section IV-B-10 D.4 consistent with Appendix A Orange County Private Road Standards. <br />There were no public comments. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Gordon to close the <br />public hearing. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to refer the <br />proposed amendments to the Planning Board for a recommendation to be returned to the Board of <br />Commissioners no sooner than October 16, 2001. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />4. ORANGE COUNTY ZONING ATLAS AMENDMENT <br />a. Zoning Atlas Amendment to rezone from EC-5 to R-1 <br />Craig Benedict made this presentation. This item is a request from a private citizen, Ann Joyner, <br />far a zoning atlas amendment from an EC-5 (Existing Commercial district 5 property) to an R-1 category <br />(Rural Residential). The property owners are listed in the abstract. The size of the parcel is 1.05 acres. The <br />property is located on the west side of Dodson's Crossroads. He said that EC-5 designations were added to <br />the map when zoning went into effect in the various townships. There are approximately 75 EC-5 <br />designations because they did not conform to an area that would typically be applicable for a commercial <br />use. The zoning atlas amendment is nestled within a subdivision change, which is not the topic of the public <br />hearing. There is another request with a suggestion to put a residence on lot 1 of the Blueberry Hill <br />subdivision along with the extinguishing of the EC-5 to the R-1. The interesting point about this lot is that <br />when it was recorded in 1986, it was shown as a private park. A homeowner's association was not <br />developed so there is some question about the purpose of the private park. <br />Ann Joyner said that she feels that the EC-5 designation is inconsistent with the surrounding <br />areas and removal of the zoning district from this residential and farming area is a reasonable action. <br />However, the zoning officer's recommendation that this be done for the private park purposes as shown on <br />the Board of County Commissioners' approved preliminary plat and existing recording plat of Blueberry Hills <br />subdivision has nothing to da with her request. She requested the zoning change to only go fonrvard if it <br />could be simultaneous with removing the park designation. She asked the County Commissioners to <br />approve the petition to rezone to R-1 without reference to the private park. She said that this problem arose <br />originally because of a mistake that she made in 1986. She said that the reason the words, "park, private" <br />were put in there was to buffer the EC-5 parcel because at that point they envisioned using it as commercial <br />and wanted to buffer it and she did not know the difference between open space and park. She added that <br />the County did not request the park designation. There are signed affidavits from all of the lot owners in the <br />subdivision saying that they have no rights to the park. She has been paying $492 per year in taxes an this <br />lot with which they can do nothing because of the park designation. <br />Craig Benedict said that no action would be taken on this but that it would be referred to the <br />