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School because they think that it is the best school in the County. She said that her daughter has been <br />diagnosed as exquisitely allergic because she has a chronic bloody nose. Duke says that it is because of <br />Hillsborough Elementary and the mold that is there. She urged the Commissioners to support the <br />improvements at Hillsborough Elementary. She also voiced her support for Spanish classes in all of the <br />elementary schools and for a consolidated school system. <br />Rick Kennedy is a parent of three children in the Orange County Schools. He said that he has no argument <br />for a third high school in Chapel Hill, but this should not be taken out on the students attending Orange <br />County Schools. He said that if the middle school is not in the bond, then that is what is going to happen. <br />Carolyn Miller, parent of three children in the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools, asked that the County <br />Commissioners appropriate money from the bond issue for a new high school for Chapel Hill-Carrboro City <br />Schools. She also spoke in support of soccer fields. <br />Noah Ranells asked that parkland and open space be fully funded. He supports activities for all people in <br />greater Orange County rather than Carrboro and Chapel Hill. He spoke about the cost of development and <br />that the tax dollars are not really balanced in terms of the benefits of rural agricultural landowners and their <br />families. He asked the Commissioners to try and balance growth in the County. He said that a specific <br />opportunity is an environmental/agricultural center that serves the whale County. <br />Norm Gustaveson endorsed affordable housing, senior centers, schools, and parks and open space. He <br />greatly supports farmland preservation and land acquisition. <br />Annette Jurgelski spoke on behalf of the Orange-Chatham Sierra Club. She is also a member of the <br />Commission for the Environment. She spoke in support of open space. <br />Susan Halkiotis, a member of the Orange County Board of Education, said that Orange County Schools <br />received same late breaking projections that blindsided everyone. She said that the numbers for the bond <br />referendum are also blindsiding and make checking and double-checking with the school staff nearly <br />impossible. She spoke about Hillsborough Elementary School and the board's decision to keep the building <br />open for the community. She said that the children have done so well because of the wonderful staff and <br />parents. She said that the building is by no means adequate. Far example, the fourth and fifth graders have <br />one bathroom for aver 150 children. She said that she is afraid that the building was kept open at the <br />expense of lasing a new middle school. <br />Dana Thompson, a member of the Orange County Board of Education, said that she supports senior <br />centers, affordable housing, parks and recreation, and the schools. She assured the County Commissioners <br />that the board members would be out there publicly supporting the other needs in the bond referendum. She <br />reiterated that the paint of bringing up the proposal of shared space was not to say that a high school was not <br />needed in Chapel Hill, but to be willing to work and smooth the process along. The board does think that a <br />new middle school is needed in Orange County before a high school is needed in Chapel Hill. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Brown to close the public <br />hearing. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />D. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS <br />1. Orange County Stormwater Program for Lands within the Neuse River Basin <br />a. Adjust fines to State minimum levels in order to receive delegated authority <br />b. Make regulatory language more specific <br />Planning Director Craig Benedict made this presentation. In order to comply with NCAC 15A <br />2B.0233 Item 12: `Requirements Specific to Local Governments with Stormwater Programs far nitrogen <br />Control,' Orange County has two options for protecting riparian buffers within the Neuse Basin. These are <br />