Orange County NC Website
the Tawn of Chapel Hill. She spoke about the need for a warm water pawl available for families, students, <br />and people with disabilities. <br />Marv Jo Sheridan spoke in support of funding far the new Orange County middle school. She also said that <br />she supports the renovation of Hillsborough Elementary Schoal. She said that the campus has a richly <br />textured history deserving the preservation and the honor bestowed an other historic places in Hillsborough. <br />Some of the needs include adequate bathroom facilities, replacement of the heating and air conditioning <br />system, new carpets, etc. She asked for bond funds to be allocated to renovate this facility. <br />Terri Tvson said that she lives in Chapel Hill with four children under the age of 10. She was recently <br />appointed to the Chapel Hill Parks and Recreation Commission and the bond education committee. She <br />strongly supports full funding of the Southern Community Park. She said that Southern Community Park <br />would be a goad place for a soccer field to serve the booming Latino population in Carrbora. She urged the <br />Commissioners to also consider the importance of a third high school in Chapel Hill. <br />Alice Joyce works far Mayor Rosemary Waldorf. She was representing Mayor Waldorf and all the members <br />of the Chapel Hill Town Council because they had a regular meeting tonight. Mayor Waldorf particularly <br />asked her to emphasize that far the two parks -Homestead Park Aquatic Center and Southern Community <br />Park -the work has already been started. In both instances the land is available and some of the work has <br />already been done. She asked for bond funding far both of the parks. <br />Scott Madry spoke about the changes in Chapel Hill over the past few years and asked for full funding far <br />the Southern Community Park in Chapel Hill. He said that a committee has made great progress on this <br />park. There is a huge need for recreational facilities in the southern end of the County. He said that this park <br />would serve many communities. <br />Matthew Barton spoke on behalf of the parents of McDougle Elementary Schoal. He asked that the County <br />Commissioners fully fund the two Elementary Schools for Chapel Hill-Carrbora City Schools and to fully fund <br />the need far a third high school. <br />Susan Attermier is a physical therapist and spoke in support of a warm water facility far the proposed <br />Homestead Park Aquatic Center. She has seen many benefits of working with patients in warm water. She <br />said that many types of people could benefit greatly from exercising in the warm water. She supports the <br />notion of a dual pool for lap swimmers and recreational swimmers. <br />Dorothy Verkerk, Chair of the Chapel Hill Bicycle and Pedestrian Board and mother of a sixth grader and <br />two kindergartners, spoke in support of bond funds far schools as well as open space. She said that the <br />state is currently spending $35,000 per parking space in a parking deck and that in comparison the school <br />amounts are more modest. She said that the Capital Needs Advisory Task Farce recommendations should <br />be fully funded. <br />John Anderson spoke as a senior citizen, a grandfather of children in the school system, and a member of <br />the Chapel Hill Recreation and Parks Board. He asked far the $20 million in funding far parks and recreation. <br />He is also in support of funding for schools and the senior centers. <br />Mark Sheridan spoke about the need far soccer fields in the County. He encouraged the Commissioners, <br />commending them for their hard work, to continue to look at the recreational activities in the County and to <br />continue to strive to equitably distribute the funds as the population suggests. <br />Barry Starrfield spoke in support of full funding for all of the parks in the County. He would like for same of <br />the money that is paid in taxes to go to things that will benefit everyone. <br />Ann Joyner spoke in support of money in the bond issue to fund renovations to the Hillsborough Elementary <br />School. She said that $0% of her neighborhood chooses to send their children to Hillsborough Elementary <br />